Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Journey

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It was a sunny day, the sky a clean blue and the golden sun rising into the sky. A light breeze glided through the land, bringing a refreshing wind and the tweets of birds sounded the new morning and the coming of the new day. This day was fairly ordinary for some, but somewhat special to one village in particular. It's a sea-side village built on the very border of the world of Gamindustry. It's a modest villag making its trade on fishing and fabric.

In this town exists an Orphanage where children grow and learn until they are of an age to make it out in the world themselves. Children can leave anytime after they're 16, and for one young man it was his time to venture into the world. His name is Terra.

Terra was a boy with a good beat in his step and very considerate towards others. He rather average in build with slightly spiky dark brown hair. He can't stand bullies and always does his best, even to a fault, to safeguard his friends which is much likened by his carer Tara, a busty kind girl known for both her Kind mothering nature and her infamous Demon mode to those who are naughty and misbehave.

Today was the day Terra was to travel out into the world, and he was getting himself ready for the trip. Terra dressed in a red jumper and sporty dark bottoms, he tied the shoelaces on his trainers, equipped the brown back-pack and reached for his sword, a gift to his Mentor who taught him the way of the blade. It was simple silver blade with a sapphire blue T shaped handle. He swung through the air, sheathed it and headed outside.

Upon going outside Tara, along with the other orphans, stood outside bidding him farewell "Well's time for me to go" he would say to the other

"Oh really?" "But we don't want you to go" "You were going to play cards with me" "Come on can't you go tomorrow"

"Come on children" said Tara ushering them away "It's time for him to go now. Well you have everything?"

"Yeah...I have" he said "I've got my sword and my pack with a few essentials for the trip"

"Then can you include this?"

Tara had a little brown bag in her hands "In here is a few things I thought you could use. It has a Map of the world, a flask for fresh water and a packed lunch should you get hungry"

"Thanks Tara" he said taking it "I'll make good use of them"

"Have you thought where you're going first? Because I recommend you head to Planeptune, it's the closest city to this town"

"Planeptune huh? Well it's a start...I don't really have a plan on where to go"

"There you can meet new people, take up some quests to gains some money and maybe meet some friends. You might even run into Purple Heart, the protector of Planeptune"

"Purple Heart? You mean the goddess of the city? I doubt it somehow, at least not right away I mean...she has her hands full with the city. So at best I might catch a glimpse of her but not meet her."

"Still its a starting point" Tara pointed into the distance "Just simply go North from here, and should you get lost you have your map to guide you"

Terra put away his little bag in his backpack "Well's time for me to go Tara"

"I know Terra" said Tara smiling, with a hint of sadness "You've been training hard for this day and I know you'll be good out there. So a little farewell gift" Tara hugged Terra against her,

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