Chapter 59: Ugly Determination

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"Well folks...we're now here at the final battle of our story. Our heroes only have 13 minutes, or technically 18, but a mere 13 minutes until the Hyper and Ultra Dimensions are close enough that it'll be all over as they smash into each other. Arfoire tried her dirtiest trick yet...but Terra managed to fend her off yet again. We now join Peashy, Plutia, Neptune evolved to her NEXT form and Enerra a fusion of Terra and Enfive"

Enerra looked upon Arfoire, who forged her dual blade "Do whatever it is you want, I've already wond"

"If you really believe that" said Enerra taunting her with a curling hand "Then come get it" Arfoire went forward with a dual-blade at the ready but Enerra just side-stepped her. Arfoire then made a rapid series of slashes but Enerra with no effort just dodged and sway

"will you...hold still!?" Terra caught the sword in-between his hands, and pulled Arfoire towards him

"Now then...let me make this very clear. No holding back anymore...I only have till the end of this chapter to get this done, Neptune the same, so we're just going to get it done. But...ladies first!"

Before Arfoire could react, Plutia's fragmented blade coiled around her dual-blade and she was pulled to Arfoire only to be dealt a rather painful kick – by Plutia's heel – to her lower chest "Now then...since I've been given full permission to break loose, I'm taking up the opportunity"

Plutia swung Arfoire over her head, slammed her into the floor and repeatably a few times before retracting her blade, jumping to Arfoire "Fighting Viper 2!" she left a plasma V striking Arfoire which exploded

"I'm not done yet" Arfoire swung at Plutia quite harshly, Plutia parrying before being knocked back quite a bit "Now to deal with you properly!" Plutia though back-flipped, kicking Arfoire by her chin before grabbing her foot and slamming her back into the ground

"No...that's what I should say to you. Peashy honey...have some fun"

"Right Ms Plutia" Peashy came in with a strong punch to Arfoire who only narrowly dodged "Dam...I missed her"

"You'll get her next time"

Enerra joined her "We'll fight her as a tag-team. Watch to make sure she doesn't get you, or you lose the game"

"Alright, then lets go" said Peashy "Oh wait since we're fighting our hardest here. Power up" Peashy used a skill on herself, her body glowing orange "Right let's go"

"Just leave some to me" said Neptune "I'd like to give this form a spin"

Charging in, Enerra and Peashy went to Arfoire who tried to fire a blitz of projectiles but while PEashy just dodged and vaulted, Enerra just charged right through them. It was then Enerra punched at Arfoire, who blocked with her dual-sabre, the two exchanging blows before nearly head-butting each other "Give up! I've won! This is pointless!"

"Tell your face" Terra ducked down his head, to whick PEashy came in with kick to Arfoire's face making the other flinch.

Arfoire was sent backwards while Peashy went in with a volley of blows and did go to finish with a punch, but Arfoire unleashed a fierce burst of power and thrust her hand to Peashy's belly to fire a burst of energy to blast her away "hang on Peashy" Enerra caught her and lifted her up to kick Arfoire away "Are you alright?"

"I...I'm okay" said Peashy shaking her head

"Right you're with me...let's go"


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