Chapter 26: Purple Heart's...Resolve?

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"Hey everyone, it's Neppytune here to welcome all you guys and gals to my and my assistants magnificent story. Theodore is needed elsewhere so I'm here to tantalize your brain cells with knowledge and witty banter. With good old Vert on our team, and Neppy Jnr is now a CPU again, so our party is complete. But while we all acquaintance, as it's natural with hero stories, the villains have to have their turn in the spotlight. So we go to Arfoire...for the story's beginning"

Arfoire, with scythe in hand, was practising her swings and moves until Warechu walked back "All devices are set...but a question Chu?"

"What's that?" asked Arfoire

"For bombs...they kinda lack much bang, if anything they'll just make noise and billow smoke"

"That's exactly what they're meant to do. If I'm to rule this world, then I need it intact for it to be ruled"

"You...make a smart point for once"

"What do you mean for once?" she said with a sharp glare "Anyway rodent...I have a very special job for you. Take this for me"

Arfoire produced from her hand a sickly purple glowing ugly shape "Take this...and be careful with this"

"What's this?" asked Warechu taking it and feeling really itchy "Ohh...what is this thing?"

"It's a special smoke bomb I made" said Arfoire with a grin "that although does not inflict damage, causes the Viral Status Condition"

"The...Viral Status condition?"

"It negates a CPU's ability to transform, rendering them stuck in their human states. For my plan to work...I need to limit the fly's buzzing around me, so I want you to use this...on the so-called Iris Heart"

Warechu seemed unsure as he held it " want to use this on Iris Heart? Why is she the strongest?"

"The jury is out on that one" said Arfoire "Admittedly they can all be as annoying as each other but Iris Heart seems the most capable, in terms of skill and personality. MAKE get Iris Heart, or I'm mailing you to her as a stress plush complete with needles and hammer" Warechu gulped

"why do I get myself into this kind of trouble?" asked Warechu "but you make sure those broads don't get me"

"Do as I ask...and you needn't worry"

Together the CPU's including Nepgear, Terra and everyone else were merely talking amongst each other when BOOM "What in blazes was that!?" said Neptune before another BOOM happened

"Is it...thunder?" asked Compa fearfully and hanging close to Nepgear when IF came running in from the outside balcony

" of the buildings is on fire" said IF panicking "there's smoke and everything" everyone rushed outside to indeed see billows of smoke from the corner of Planeptune along with cries of terror

"What's going on?" Nepgear asked

"Does it matter?" said Blanc "we all need to go and see, the people could be in danger"

"Alright everyone" said Neptune "I've always wanted to say this. Transform and roll out!"

Immediately all the CPU's shifted to HDD with Plutia chuckling "Fear not my citizens, for I should be the only thing to be afraid of here"

"I'll stay here and watch the children" said Falcom "You all go ahead"

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