Chapter 12: Meeting of White

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"And Welcome all to good old chapter 1-2. I'm your lovable goddess Neptune, here to indulge your ears on the continuation of my brilliant tale and my fellow compatriots. How are you all enjoying the story so far? Good? Of course it should be with my name on it. Now then it's on with the show, and last time Me, Plutie and Terra all arrived in Lastation. While nowhere near as good as my fair nation...Noire has done alright for herself I guess. It's now the next day...and we set off on our next the Katamancy woods"

It was a rather dim day in Gamindustry with a seemingly endless blanket of clouds covering the day-time sky. Noire, Neptune and Terra headed out...with a half-asleep Plutia, walking lazily and yawning "Did we really have to go so early?"

"This is early?" said Terra itching his head looking to the sky "I mean its towards mid-morning, like almost too late for breakfast"

"Maybe for you" said Neptune "but for us Goddess' we need our beauty sleep. It's how we keep our youthful appearance"

"Well Noire sleeps less than you...and she looks fine to me" 

Noire grinned from Terra's accidental compliment " think I look good do you?" Noire asked flicking her right tail of hair "Then again I don't expect anything different...I make sure to look after myself"

"Don't be saying stuff like that Terra" said Neptune jabbing a little "otherwise Noire may not find a hat for a head that big"

"Why...what did I say?" he asked

"Don't pay her any mind" said Noire shrugging her arms "not all of what Neptune says is crucial or knowledgeable"

"I can be smart too you know" said Neptune "why I have a hundred amazing thoughts circling in my head"

"It's a shame they never reach your mouth though" Noire said quietly to herself.

The group were headed outside the town, on their quest to aid Noire "so...which way do we go then Noire?" asked Terra

"Let's see" Noire said pulling out a sheet of paper "From what this says...the Katamancy forest isn't far, about an hour and a half west of here"

"And we have to walk all the way there?" asked Plutia a little anxious before perking up "Wait...can't we fly there? It'd be faster"

"Plutie has a point" said Neptune who shifted to her HDD form "We can all transform now after all...and it'd speed things up a little

"I would patronize you for this idea" Noire said shifting to her HDD form "but then again since we may end up carrying Plutia beforelong, it might just be equally as tiring"

"But...won't be more of a strain on your bodies?" asked Terra "since I'll need a lift again and I can now see why Noire didn't want Plutia to change. Hintity-hint-hint" 

Both HDD girls flinched sharply, shivering even Plutia who just swayed her head "I think...we'll just play it by ear" said Noire nervously "while I'm pretty sure I can make the trip, if it proves too tiring we can just walk"

"'ll carry me there?" asked Plutia before glowing with a smile "thank you" Plutia ran round and jumped on Noire's back "There we go, I'm on"

"Just...hold on tight, I'd rather not drop have you change on me " Noire took off while Neptune patted on Terra's shoulder

"Come on then...hop-aboard" she knelt down to his height a little

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