Chapter 16: Cold Nation- Warm Greeting

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Big Histoire hovers before her microphone "Welcome back one and all. I am Histoire, that is the big one, a tome to convey information to you all. Now as I said previous your usual narrator, Theodore, was struck with an illness and for at least for today shows no signs of recovering. Then again...he does have Compa right at his bed-side and seems pretty happy about it. Maybe minus the part where she near suffocated him with blankets"

" then to continue the story. Now last time in the story Histoire - that is the smaller one - tasked Neptune, Terra, Noire and Plutia to head to the nation of Lowee. It's to investigate White Heart and her involvement with the Wise Sages. They had just left the basillicom and head towards the gateway to the town"

The group of four walked through the bustling streets of Planeptune, Terra with his backpack and sword in tow. Terra was wondering what Lowee would like in his head "so Noire...or Plutia, have either of you two being to Lowee? Or rather do you know what's it like?"

"Wellll...I've never been myself" said Plutia "But Lowee has been around a loonnngg time. As long as Planeptune. I have heard it's quite cold though"

"I think I went there once before" said Noire "Just for a Plutia said it's a cold nation, in terms of temperature, and is a bit more modest compared to this one. Why do you want to know anyway?"

"He's just excited Noire" said Neptune "Terra is your typical young hero, wanting to see the joys and wonders of the world around him"

"This isn't a pleasure trip you know...we need to go to Lowee to find the truth. That is White Heart's link to the Wise Sages"

"Nothing wrong though with having fun is there?" said Terra "you might not be aware but I did start this quest for the fun of adventure. All seriousness and no play is dull"

"Spoken like a true Planeptune Citizen" Neptune said proudly "You need to loosen up Noire, all that tension will turn to crow's feet"

"Are you sure he's your citizen?" asked Noire "Because with you as his Goddess, I'm surprise he's turned out like he is"

Neptune seemed to be a little annoyed before turning to him "Hey you mind awakening yourself? Just as a favour for me?"

"" asked Terra before reacting "Oh actually it might test a theory, give me a moment" Terra walked away a little, focusing his power causing his hoody and strings to flap...until he changed. His hair had gone back to magenta purple, a cowlick springing up "Well...what colour?"

"And the Purple Mode is back" Neptune said cheerily "Or rather...your Purple Form is front and centre"

"Has your interest wondered or something?" asked Noire looking a tad annoyed

"Don't be mad Noire" said Plutia "Maybe he changed back to Purple Form...because he's in Planeptune. So when he went to Lastation, he went to the Black Form"

Noire still scowled but seemed to agree "So...what you're saying is Terra changes his Form, or rather his hair colour, depending on nation?"

"So...are you saying once I go to Lowee..." said Terra "I might go to the White Form I guess"

"How can you not know?"

"Look...I didn't even I could change my form until recently"

"But wait...I've just had a thought" said Plutia "If Terra can have Purple Hair here, for the Purple Form like Neppy...then he could get the Iris Form with hair like mine"

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