Chapter 58.5: ?????

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The same voice that once pierced the darkness declared "NOT YET. IT's NOT GAME OVER YET!" the same shines its light, and in it a scuffed Terra emerges "Terra...Terra wake up"


"I can't hold my presence too long. The balance has been disturb...correct it or all live if lost"

"Who's...who's there? And...where what? I' the studio"

I come to the familiar grey padded room, where a microphone stands before me "This is...the recording studio? And...I just narrated myself" I sort of flinch as I hear my thoughts portrayed "What the heck? Right why am I here? What the hell?"

I, it's still me Terra, emerge into the familiar room "Yes this is the recording studio, where me and the girls voice the outro's, intros and rest between chapters. But for me to be here means...I'm not dead let me just...pinching the cheek ow! Yeah I'm alive but...what gives?"


"What the? What now? It sounds like a strangled rat? This door, this then this one" I open a door to a storage room only to gasp "What the, Theodore!?"

I near fall over as I gaze upon Theodore tied up and gagged to a wheelie chair that's fallen on it's side "I'm getting annoyed at this self-narration! Hold on Theodore let me just...come on and there's the rope. And now the tape...going in three, two one..."

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Theodore screams in agony "Jeez...that bloody dam hurt. Dam that extra strength duct tape" Terra looks on in amusement

"Wait why are you...oh that narration wasn't mine? Thank god for that"

"Terra, thank god you found me but what are you doing here?"

"No clue. I was fighting Arfoire with the girls and..."

"Actually nevermind...quickly come with me, we've got no time to lose" Terra finds himself dragged by the arm, and pulled down the hallway.

As he's pulled to a certain room "the goddess' can only wallow in the magnificent Arfoire strutted before them" Theodore opened the door to show a human Arfoire scribbling in a book "The goddess all plead for their sorry friend, but with the radiant strength she has...she merely laughs"

"Wait Arfoire? She's here too?" asked Terra "and what's that book she's writing in?"

"That's the fanfiction story" Theodore remarked "That's one of the drafts of this whole Fanfiction"

"Wait what!? If that's the book then...she's been"

"Nevermind that...stop her. You should still have your powers here"

"Good point!" Terra said feeling a good pit of disgust as he cracked his knuckles

Terra stepped into the room as Arfoire looked to be enjoying herself "And with this...the timer was soon wearing it's end, and the Goddess was soon to take her...rightful place..."

"On the receiving end of my fist" Arfoire froze and slowly turned her head in creaking motion to Terra who did not look happy "you've got...precisely ten seconds to explain yourself"

" did you..." but Terra just struck her face, as hard as he could, sending her into the backwall and knocking her clean out

"Too late"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now