Chapter 57: Arfoire's Final Gambit

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"And now we continue onto the next chapter. It's time for true ending route to start. Arfoire – the human version – seems to have one last plan to rule the dimensions and worlds...with all our characters joining up to convene"

Terra, Vert, Blanc and the transformed Enfive raced to Planeptune with the other dimension above them almost staring at them. For the rest of our Ultra Dimension cast they were stood out pm the Planeptune balcony looking at the world above...and the Planeptune above them "Neptune...are you absolutely sure that's your Planeptune up there?" asked Noire

"Duh of course it is" said Neptune trying to sound sure herself"I know all of the colours, cracks, details and all the back-alleys like the back of my hand"

"I know it's hard to understand...but that is Planeptune" said Nepgear

"But...isn't another dimension like really far away?" asked Compa

"that's what concerns me" said Histoire worriedly "I'm currently trying to communicate with my other self...for a reference"

"Hey look there" said Plutia "Terra is coming back...and with...another girl?"

"Another CPU?"

Terra, Vert, Blanc and Enfive appeared before everyone "Terra your back" said Nepgear "Thank goodness but who's your friend?"

"I wouldn't say friend" said Enfive before going human "I'm for now an ally with a common interest"

"Enfive!?" exclaimed Noire "What's he doing here?"

"Don't tell've all being brainwashed?" asked Neptune

"Let's just say" said Vert pointing up "That there's a slightly bigger threat than Enfive right now"

"Like say...the destruction of all life as we know it kind of big" said Enfive laying it on thick

The other just remarked "Wait...the destruction of...everything?" asked Neptune "Don't tell me...this above us has anything to do with it?"

"We don't know" said Terra shaking his head "We have a theory...but we came to you Histoire, as you might know more about this than us"

"And if not...maybe this'll help" said Vert showing the Mascot "We've claimed the last Mascot for you"

"You have!?" said Histoire "Then quick, give it me so that my upgrade is complete" the light went into Histoire chest, whose body glowed before she gasped "I have it...access to all my inner functions. While it will take me a while before I firmly understand then, my processing power is now as powerful as the other me. Now then"

Histoire's body glowed a astral blue "Histoire of the Hyperdimension, if you can hear me please respond" the elder Histoire spoke back and was heard by all

"I can hear you" said the Big Histoire who appeared by her Younger Self's side; albeit see through "And without asking...I can tell you the situation is very dire"

"Ah's my Histy" said Neptune "Histy how are you?"

"Histoire it's good to see you" said Nepgear happily

"My goodness it's a relief to see you all fine and well" said Big Histoire "and to you Terra, I'm happy to see you also...but I'm afraid this is not time for happy reunions"

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