Chapter 33: Strength of the Master

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"Howdy-Howdy everyone...your lovable Planeptune Goddess Neptune here to bring the scoop to massage your brain matters. So then Terra has reached another dimension, my lovely home dimension, but while he's been having fun meeting his mentor...for us it's not been all picnics and rainbows"

"While only a few hours have gone by for Terra and his group, it's already been a day and nearly two for us. Now while I might know as the Narrator where our buddies are, my character and the rest of us do not. Fair to say a few of us are getting worried here, the kids are wondering where Compa is, Plutia is worried their in trouble while Noire, although trying to hide it, is particularly worried"

"It's not just that either folks...monsters have been on the rise, as well as sightings of Arfoire, the Mister BADD guy (Yes I know excuse the pun) and with Terra and Blanc gone we're a bit thin. Still though we're fine so don't worry, now then moving on with the story. Terra tells his Mentor Falcom all that has happened, telling the Hyperdimension Noire as well"

" Ohh and just so you know. The Mentor Falcom will be called simply Falcom, while the young one will be called Young Falcom. For we need one way of telling the two apart while the two are together. So...on with the show"

As the Town of Planeptune approached Terra has finished conveying his story. Falcom listened with great intrigue "It sound you've been on quite an adventure indeed. To another dimension"

"And in this dimension, there's another me" said Noire in mild disbelief "and a Vert and Blanc. That Blanc being you"

"That's right" said Blanc nodding

"So what's the Noire of that dimension like?"

"You'd have to give me time" said Terra "I don't know how you're like just yet, we only just meet"

"Fair enough"

"But for seem nicer natured, or at least not as snippy"

Noire warmly smiled with a hand going through her dark hair "Glad to hear that, and thanks for the compliment. It's only natural...since that Noire only just became a CPU so I am a bit more grown up"

"But sounds like you've had a rough Terra" said Falcom with a concerned hand to his shoulder "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help before"

"How do you mean?" asked Young Falcom "Have you come across something like that?"

"Maybe not on the severe scale you mentioned, but Terra in the past – when I was training him – his power proved too much for him to handle. Often at times nearly taking him over"

"How come you didn't tell us about this before?" asked Blanc

"Simply because...I couldn't remember it" he said honestly

"Terra would wake up later" said Falcom "With no memory of his power going berserk. Still...I'm grateful you all looked after him for me"

"We'll tell everyone that when we get home" said Young Falcom "and don't worry. This time Lady Vert, that's our Dimension's Vert, got rid of the corruption completely so he should be fine now"

"That's good...and we're here"

The Town of Neptune's Planeptune...was just a more advanced and bigger one that's Plutia's. Skyscrapers and buildings dotted the whole town, only this one had more parks and open spaces. People were pretty happy just running round like normal but they heard unsettling rumours "Where is Purple Heart anyway?" "No one has seen her in days" "Same with the CPU Candidate" "You don't think they're ill do you?" "No I bet they're just on vacation"

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