Chapter 49: Yellow Flash and Dark Regret

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It was the night time of the first day of rest, one of only two days before Arfoire, and everyone was beginning to settle off to sleep. Terra for a moment was lingering with a cup of hot chocolate playing a game of poker between Vert, Blanc and oddly IF. They used their credits as betting chips – all the piles rather sizeable though Terra's was small - Vert confident in her hand "Well then...I think it's time I conquer this night"

"That's what you think" said Blanc picking up a new card "For I just got a cracking good one"

"Lets see what I can get" Terra exchanged two cards "Ohh not bad. Over to you IF" IF looked at her hand

"Hmm...I'll change one card myself" IF swapped out one card to which Vert went first

"A Flush of clubs, 10 high"

"I got a flush of 7 high...but a running flush of Diamond"

"As for me I got a Full house" said Terra "three 8's, and a pair of Queens"

"I got...two pairs"

Both girls flinched "Two went with that much money?" remarked Vert "On two pairs?"

"Well Why not?" asked IF "I am in this for fun after all"

"But still" said Blanc "you can't be serious" Terra though sighed with a wry smile

"Come us the pairs IF" IF confidently smiled

"Let's see...I've got a pair of Aces" she said putting them down "And then I've got...another pair of aces" before putting the 3rd and 4th  ace down to join the rest.

Blanc and Vert just gawped with Terra grinning "Well...that just happened. IF got four Aces" he said

"How...How did you..." Vert just said

"I've never seen that before" said Blanc just slackjawed

"I'm...kinda glad I didn't stake so much now" said Terra relieved "Go on IF it's all yours oh" he handed her a bucket

"With pleasure" IF replied as she put the credits in the bucket filling it near the brim "Well then would you like to go again?"

"No thank you...I think my pride has been dented enough" said Vert

"Same here...good-night" said Blanc heading to bed.

As they left Terra chuckled "That's why it's important to remember, number 1 in a card game...never bet more than your willing to lose. The rewards are smaller...but the defeat is more durable"

"No wonder you didn't put in that much" said IF before getting a chunk of credits "Here this is for you...this should be your stake back"

"You sure? You won these credits so..."

"To be honest...the reward enough was seeing their faces of misery as they lost. Besides this is a bit more than I know what you deal with"

"I'm not denying you here, but I'd have thought you'd share it out with Compa and Peashy to buy toys and stuff"

"I still plan on doing that...but give them too much and you may find a bit more than toys coming home"

"Why? Do they have ambitions?"

"You have no idea" Terra said chuckling "Alright then how about this? You take us out for a meal, the four of us, you pay for the food and me the dessert"

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