Chapter 28: The New Forbidden Form Part 2

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"Well friends, Theodore here, let's just continue the story. Last time the supposed doorway to Lastation's Mascot has opened and without Nepgear and Blanc head on forth. After a average flight the girls, with Terra, disembark before the cavern and becomes obvious Terra isn't too keen"

As the group lands and everyone reverts to human, Terra looks inside "So...we're due in there? Great"

"You'll be fine Terra" said Plutia "We're all here with you if you get too nervous or scared"

"As I'll just have to suck it up I'm afraid" said Noire "and I doubt it'll cave in on's just being newly built"

"One thing's not very bright inside" said Vert "Will we even be able to see once we go deep inside?"

"Here's hoping those soldiers of mine did it right?" Noire went inside, and double clapped, for construction lights to illuminate the way "There we go, come on let's head inside" Terra was pushed inside, gently, by Neptune as they headed inside.

Though the pathway was lit, Terra couldn't help but be nervous of his surroundings, constantly looking round and flinching to each rubble fragment. Plutia was serving as the one to ease his nerves "easy Terra, it's okay take it easy"

"I'm...okay for now" he said "Just as there's no loud noises or anything"

"What's wrong with Terra Neptune?" asked Falcom "Why is he so nervous?"

"Terra...isn't a big fan of the dank dark caverns" said Neptune "A typical case of Classtruphobia"

"You mean Claustrophobia" said Vert

"Yeah that. He's particularly nervous of caves falling on him, getting himself trapped that kind of thing"

"You wonder he's so jumpy"

The group came to a two way fork "Now comes a little problem" said Neptune "Which way Noire old buddy?"

"Don't look at me" said Noire "I'm as clueless as you are here, I've never been through here before"

"Then...let's take the right fork" said Falcom pointing "And if this doesn't work, we'll go left" as she said this a small rumble came far from this distance, which didn't upset Terra too much, until the ceiling of the left fork caved in, falling to the floor before collapsing.

As everyone flinched from the rubble "Nice choice there Falcom" said Neptune "you saved us from super heavy showers"

"Just got lucky I guess" said Falcom before noticing Terra "Hey Terra!" Terra was on his knees, head covered shivering

"Not again...Not again" Plutia, being the closest, knelt down and put a gentle hand to his back

"It's okay Terra, it's okay" she said easing him down "Nothing happened, it's okay now"

"My goodness are you alright!?" Vert said out of concern

"As I said Vert...he's not too good with caves" said Neptune "Before out friend Marvy helped to ease him"

Plutia patted Terra's head "Come on, raise your head...see we're all fine" slowly he looked up and saw everyone around

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