Chapter 40: Reclaiming One's Spirit

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"Theodore here...welcoming you to the chapter. Well things have...taken a weird twist. Terra became a CPU, was revealed to actually be this false person to replace Enfive Arfoire's apparent brother...but narrowly escaping they 'reclaimed' Terra and everyone is home"

"For now it's being a whole day, and in the early afternoon with still half of the cast still asleep. Neptune, Noire, Blanc and Plutia remained unconscious. Only Nepgear, Falcom and Vert were conscious...but the latter was still weak and resigned to sit in a chair.

Marvelous was keeping an eye on things giving each of them a cup of tea "I'm sorry for my shameful inconvenience" said Vert apologizing with a smile

"It's no worry" said Histoire shaking her head "I'm just glad you're safe and sound. Nepgear and Falcom have been informing me of their battle with Enfive, I can only guess your battle was no better"

"Arfoire...dominated us" said Vert shamefully "We could barely hurt or damage her. Though our share power was locked off, even at full strength we didn't make a dent"

"For now...we've got a breather" said Falcom "Enfive looked...really, really severely hurt by that share crystal. Judging by his expression, I doubt he'd even be able to fight for at least a few days"

"That means for now...we've only got Arfoire" said Nepgear "But even still...we can only hope she won't make a move for a while. None of us...can hope for fight for now"

"I doubt she'll make a least with Enfive hurt as was" said Vert "From the way she spoke, she was to rule the world with Enfive...for I think even she understands this is a big world to rule alone"

"Actually...I don't think she will be problem" thought Marvelous to herself "that powder had a bit of...strength to it"

Vert then looked to Terra, who as of yet showed no improvement...but his frailty was shown in his greyed complexion and colourless hair "I can't imagine how he must've faired, or even what he knows of himself"

"He'll be...considerably weak for a while" said Histoire sadly "In body...and in spirit"

"We can only take it one step at a time" said Falcom "It's actually from here, begins part 2 of what the Adult me told me to do"

"What do you mean?" asked Neptune

"When Terra should wake're act to as normal, support him don't smother him" she then added "And show him...there's a place he can belong"

"The Adult Falcom...told you that?" asked Nepgear

"We'll see how he is when he awakes...but predictably I don't think he'll be in a too good a mood"

Back at Enemy's HQ, Anomydeath was scanning over Enfive using a sort of 3D scan machine looking at his data over a console. Arfoire waited impatiently "So then...what do your instruments tell you?"

"In basic terms..." said Anomydeath "little Enfive's body...has been severely damaged. This is a injury that'll take days to recover from"

"That's...annoying to hear"

"Not only that...if you want the worse news"

"Go on"

"Enfive...has been poisoned, nothing life-threatening but poisoned"

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