Chapter 17B : White Revengance

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Sometime had passed for Terra and his group. Mister BADD had knocked everyone out and took White Heart's nation away from her. Terra was still out until "Come on lazy bones, get up, get up" Neptune's voice rung in his ear "Come onnnn! Get up"

"Hmmm, uhhh" he found himself on a cold metal floor, on his front, and getting up saw Neptune to his left

"Where...where are we?"

"We're in the slammer...unfortunately for us" she said as Terra looked round his confinement "I checked over the last Chapter script...we were all put to dreamland and then carried here"

Terra got up to see all the girls awake, though with no sign of Cybercon, in a cube metal room with only one bed and iron bars. Noire and Plutia sat and shared the bed while White Heart just stood in a corner on her own. Terra took a good look at her "So...this is White Heart in her human form?"

"To you and everyone else" said Neptune "This is Blanc, now descriptions commence!"

Blanc is a petite girl, of even height with Neptune, and a flat body. Blanc wears the Autumn Leaves outfit, a shrine maiden-like outfit. The shirt is dark brown with white sleeves that have red lining. Attached to the sleeves are hanafuda cards, of beige with red roses.  She wears a red and white hat, a ribbon like piece hanging from her neck.

Blanc just seemed to stand there, silent "Ms Overlord CPU hasn't said a word yet" said Noire "she's just been sat there and hasn't spoken"

"I think you can't blame her for that" said Terra "I mean with everything that's happened"

"She's probably be angry and confused" said Neptune "Especially after having her nation taken from under her feet like a rug"

"We were...set up won't we?" asked Plutia a little ashamed "That bad guy let us fight she'd look bad"

"If she had just being more agreeable" said Noire "Then we wouldn't be in this mess"

Noire got up and walked over to Blanc "Well then anything to say about all this?"

"..." Blanc remained silent

"Well I could pitch a suggestion. How about an apology from the mighty CPU to the beginner one? Since we're innocent in all this"

"Minus breaking and entering, beating up the people" Terra thought to say "destruction of property"

"Not asking you!" Noire said sharply "So anything to say?" Blanc just stay quiet "Would you kindly respond before I look like a bully? Or do your ears work as poorly as your mouth?"

"Whoa, Whoa B-I-T-C-H alert" Neptune said shocked "Easy there Noire, you're going full on aren't you?"

"I feel sorry for Blanny" Plutia remarked

"Hey, hey what are you ganging up on me for?" said Noire before a crying sound turned her to Blanc to see tears leaking from her eyes "And why are you crying!?"

Blanc looked to be somewhat miserable in expression " really did take it too far" said Neptune "Look what you've done"

"I was only saying" Noire said looking frazzled "that maybe...oh great. Now I'm the guilty one. Come on stop crying...I didn't mean anything by it" Terra looked at Plutia as she ran over to Blanc

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