Chapter 50: The Shallows of Darkness

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"And welcome back folks, Theodore here to continue massaging your brains with the wise words that pass through my lips. Enough of the Shakesphere junk moving on. We're beginning to approach the final arc of our story, after a while jeez, and things are about to get big. The plans, back-ups are being prepared and within the day the battle to save Gamindusti from Arfoire will begin. Our story begins with Terra, the newly transformed Peashy and IF"

Terra, Peashy and IF had made a short stop to have some of the food they brought with them. Terra and Peashy still retained their HDD forms, with Peashy happily munching away "You know...looking at Peashy" said IF "you'd think she'd be in this form her whole life"

"You would think that wouldn't you?" asked Terra "It's a bit strange though...from what Neptune told me, she gets too tired being in HDD for too long"

"How is it for you?" Terra flexed his arms and legs

"A bit worn down...but nothing major"

"Maybe it just wears you out a bit faster, but since you're not doing much you're fine"

"Yeah that's it"

" seem to be getting comfortable like that"

Terra sighed "That's...what bothers me a little really. Since this is still my body, in a way, I don't feel that awkward. That and being...slender helps too"

"From the way you say that" said IF "If you had Vert's body then you'd have a problem"

"In...deed I would. I don't think...I could endure it for too long bouncing everywhere" IF chuckled a bit

"Especially if you were Peashy huh?" she laughed earning her light jab from Terra

"Alright Cheeky...there is still a dudes brain up here...I think"

"You think?"

"Right this conversation went into a tangent...back to the topic"

Terra looked to the sky, to see the sun mid-way down "We've best not be too long. Sure it's not too far to Planeptune...but the last thing we need is to be burnt out and walking in the dark. So Peashy how are you feeling?"

"Oh I'm okay Big Bro" said Peashy pumping her arms "I'm not tired at all"

"That's one point...when did you start calling me Big Brother?"

"Since you let Compa do it. Compa told me...that a Big Brother is someone older, is strong...and is really nice to people"

"And fair to do fit those guideline" said IF "And when we asked Histoire said the same thing" Terra chuckled

"So I've got three siblings now?" asked Terra "A cute innocent girl, a cheeky smart girl and an energetic – who can turn ridiculously busty – girl?" he then sighed "Sure why not? Only when did I meet your expectations I.F"

"To be kinda did from early on. As you can imagine we...don't know much in the sense of family being an orphan. You, Nep and everyone else are the closest we've got"

"To be honest" Terra said rubbing Peashy's head making her chuckle "I feel the same way"

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