Chapter 54: The Start of the True End

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"heya folksa...Theodore here and at last we have an intro. It's being a while I know but the fight with Arfoire certainly lasted a while. Then again it'll never beat that one anime fight that last 6 months while only 5 minutes passed in the anime – props for anyone who gets the reference – but it's now time to move on. So last time...fair to say a bombshell dropped, the Terra of this Fanfiction is the younger brother of Neptune and Nepgear, go figure, and Arfoire is defeated. Well...the CPU one anyway. We first go to our heroes who fair to say are pretty tired. In-fact it's the next morning...and most of them are still asleep"

It was a rather oddly dull morning in Planeptune, for heavy rain pelted the outside town quite hard with rumbles of thunder. As a result activity in the town was quite low, as it was at the Basilicom. Only the humans were awake, with Noire and Nepgear. They were checking over everyone, with Compa and IF looking worriedly over Terra.

Compared to everyone else though Terra was sleeping...he didn't look well. His face was red, and his breathing softly laboured. Compa stuck a thermometer under his tongue and upon pulling back "What does it say Compa?" asked IF

"It's higher than it should be" said Compa "Big Bro has a fever...a high one"

"That's the result of yesterday's battle" said Histoire who was with them on her tome "His body went through a tremendous amount of stress, this unfortunately must be the recoil of it"

"He'll just need more rest than normal" said JF "let's just make sure he drinks and takes his medicine"

"Oh speaking of medicine, Iffy help me here" said Compa taking the medicine ready while IF went to the other side and lifted Terra's head "Alright Terra open up, this'll help you get better"

Terra, subconsciously, took the mixture - which from his reaction didn't taste too good – and with a swallow his body flashed green. His condition improved a little as he was laid back down "There we go" said Compa

"Just make sure to give him the medicine every four hours" said Histoire "and he should be good in no time" Histoire hovered outside to main room to see Noire cleaning the kitchen with Nepgear playing on her handheld before perking up

" is he Histoire?" she asked anxiously

"Terra has contracted a fever...he's not very well" said Histoire sounding a little anxious herself "His body went through a lot of stress to be honest seeing him in this condition is not impossible"

"I'd be more surprised honestly if he wasn't ill" said Noire "He pushed him way too far against Arfoire...but I won't complain. He saved us all from Arfoire, if that blast of her had made contact"

"I think it's fair to say...none of us would be here" said Nepgear "Still I...can't believe though about Terra. He' younger Brother"

Nepgear smiled widely to this fact "It's still hard to believe he is our younger sibling. I mean I know he was born directly from Uranus and we weren't but..."

"I think half-sibling is closer" said Histoire "But to be pedantic it's closer to ¾ sibling. Neptune is born in the same...umm...ancestry as Uranus but was born from the faith of the people. You are the same Nepgear...although to my understanding the faith of Neptune helped to inspire your birth. As for Terra, he was born directly from Uranus...but I can't help feel you and Neptune's influence helped to give him shape"

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