Chapter 47: Unwary Prelude

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Noire, Blanc and Terra faced off against the baby-changing monster spirit. Falcom was now reduced to a small toddler, with Terra as a child and Blanc and Noire as near toddlers but in their CPU forms.

The monster spirit was constantly firing beams of red at the characters which all of them evaded but the small space of the crystal chamber they were in made it difficult. As the girls flew along, Terra found some relief his body moved as it should...just not as strong "At least I kept my acrobatics" he said "But now for that spirit" he darted right to the spirit, as it had it's attention on Noire and jumped "I got you now" but at the last moment it flew out of the way

"Terra look out!" called Blanc but Terra crossed his sword and blocked the beam – to his relief – just being bounced back "Phew"

"At least I can block it with my sword. So that's one less worry"

Noire tried to flew on, but the spirit was constantly keeping her at bay and already a toddler Noire knew she couldn't afford to be hit again. Blanc was the same and waited for the beast to turn, before flying forward "Zerstorung" but at the last moment the spirit went up and over "What!?" Blanc quickly jumped away just as Noire came in with her large blocky sword.

Noire tried quick slashes but the spirit was just weaving in and around her strikes "stupid thing...kindly hold still" Noire dodged at the last minute as the spirit less loose a short burst of red before firing a beam "That's it" her sword glowed an aurora of colours "Tornaraid Sword!" with a swing she fired a rainbow arc to cancel it out.

As she came back, Noire grimaced "There's not a lot of space to move around him, and I can't risk being hit"

"Yeah...I imagine you can't go HDD as a mouse" said Terra "But what can we do?"

"Terra you can still fight even like that?" he nodded

"I think so...I mean I move the same"

"Go and distract it and I'll head in"

"Okay, Blanc hang back a minute!"

Terra headed on, with the spirit firing it's beams at him. He deflected two before circling around it, dodging and jumping before going to the spirit. Terra jumped at it, deflecting a beam before his sword glowed orange as he stuck it up high "Fierce Edge!" but the spirit weaved itself out of the way "Noire!"

"I've got it!" Noire turned up at its side "I've got you!" but the spirit seemed to have sensed her and jumped away "What!? How did it?" as Terra landed he saw the spirit fire

"Noire, look out!" Terra jumped into her, the beam hitting him into Noire who had to scrape her feet to stop them both.

Noire stopped herself, flying out of the way before looking "Terra!" Terra was one step away from a baby, looking about three years old and in only blue shoes, a blue pyjama shirt and short "Dammit it! You got hit"

"It seems...I did" Terra said his words sounding hard to say "I'm nearwy a baby now"

"You fool. Why did you do that? Look at you!"

"Well sowwwwwy" he said moodily getting down "Remind me next time not to help a fwiend"

"I didn't ask you to help me"

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