Chapter 20: Relieving one's Doubt

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"Hi ho everyone Theodore here, welcoming you to the next chapter of the story. Last time Terra was freed from...whatever was corrupting him and had secured the second Mascot for the young Histoire. Since then he's returned to Planeptune, where three little occupants now stay with them...two of which he and Neptune know. A Young Compa, a Young IF with they only familiar girl being Peashy"

"It's been a week now since Terra and Neptune had arrived in this new dimension and for now are no closer to going home. While Neptune is not too worried right now, Terra for some reason being hesitant – probably due to his little episode – Nepgear back home struggles with keeping Planeptune in check. And it's Nepgear we go to as the story starts"

Back at Neptune's Planeptune, Nepgear was busy sorting through paperwork which she finished with a sigh "there we go...all finished for the day. Histoire I'm all done"

"I am on my end too" the Older Histoire flew in on her tome, to Nepgear on the table before a stack of papers "Oh my...that's a bit smaller than normal"

"Yeah...I've had less work to do lately and I'm getting worried about it. Less people...seem to be believing in us"

"That...can't be helped. It's been a month since Neptune, this nation's goddess, has disappeared and you can't have faith in someone who doesn't show"

"On the plus side...there hasn't been many monster attacks, at least for now. I hope they're not too much longer...Neptune and Terra. I hope they're alright"

"Fear not on that front" Histoire said with a smile "While still unable to fully connect, I can send and receive messages to my younger counter-part. She recently told me she has acquired the second Mascot"

Nepgear brightened up a little "For now...the younger me is still sorting out the data and power she's been given" said Histoire "but she told me...she might have enough strength to send Neptune and Terra home"

"Really? Thank goodness" said Neptune with a hand to her chest "still...I wonder how well they're doing?"

"I've been told...Neptune is the same aswells...being a bit lazy and irresponsible"

"Not sure whether I should laugh to that...and Terra?"

"He's..." Histoire paused "doing alright"

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"No nothing at all Nepgear" a knock came to the door

"Oh I'm coming" as Nepgear went out of earshot, Histoire wore a troubled expression

"It seems...I may not have done enough"

In the other dimension, it had been three days since the arrival of the three kids Peashy, IF and Compa at the Planeptune Basilicom. They were staying there to be better protected from the unknown kidnappers. As they frolicked and played, Plutia babysitting them, Neptune and Terra were out on a hunting quest.

They were hunting a swarm of Dogoos...led by a giant red one, slicing them through. Neptune was in her HDD form for now slicing through the small red slimes like butter "I'm up to about you?" Terra cut through 1 and shot a beam at a blue

"Twenty three now" said Terra "but who's counting?"

"We are obviously...though why haven't you awakened yet? You're still in your base form" Terra hadn't tapped into any power

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