Chapter 44: Awakened at Last

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"No quirky commentary from me you lucky readers you, let's get on with the show"

Terra and the goddess' - except Blanc and Noire - were setting off after Mister BADD and Warechu who had kidnapped Compa, IF and Peashy. Following a tracker Marvelous had put on Warechu they flew after them "How close are we to them?" called Vert to Marvelous

"We're gaining on them" said Marvelous "Or at least the rat, and the canyon is now in view over there"

"Hold on kids, we're coming" said Neptune strong flying off after them

Going through the canyon, that overlooked a deep drop to the edge, Mister BADD and Warechu chugged along. IF and Compa continued trying to break the glass, Mister BADD equipped in his suit looking on with an angry expression "How much further?" said Warechu who was having trouble holding onto his guest "This a light sleeper"

"The teleport point is at the end of this canyon" he said to them "it's a place where the share energy is thin, therefore avoiding detection"

"No...Neptuna, I don't...want any..." Peashy was moving quite a bit in her sleep, shaking Warechu quite a bit

"Hey...Hey stop squirming you little..." said Warechu trying to hold on

"Iffy, Iffy Peashy is coming round" said Compa "Pea...Pea wake up! Pea!" Compa tries banging on the glass

"Let me try" said If "Peashy...lunch is ready" immediately Peashy wakes up

"What, who where!?"

Warechu reacts "Crap...she woke up!"

"What's going on? Why am I...flying?" she said cluelessly "And Iffy, Compa? Why are you in a giant robot? No fair...I want in!"

"Pea...these are bad people!" said Compa desperately "They're taking us away!"


"Peashy fight the mouse! He stole us...and all the Neptuna pudding" IF said lying on the last part

"What? I never took no pudding!" Warechu said in defence

"Baddies always lie!" Peashy said "Now put me down!"

Peashy squirmed, pulled at Warechu's ear and clobbered him "Ow! Ow! Mayday! Mayday! She's fighting back!"

"What!?" Mister BADD spun round to see Warechu slowly falling down as Peashy fought him off "Dammit, I thought she'd be out longer. Never mind, you deal with it...I'm gone"

"What!? You can't leave me here" Mister BADD turned round and drove off "Traitor! Coward!" Peashy had forced Warechu to the ground, causing his satchel to hit the ground and for an object to roll out "Somebody, anybody help!"

Meanwhile in the sky, the group were over the canyon "The signal has stopped for some reason" said Marvelous "It should be coming up ahead"

"Look down's Peashy" said Vert "And a Rat!"

"Everyone Dive, dive, dive" Neptune said to which all of them went down to see Peashy fending off Warechu

"Come on, Mercy...Merrrcccyyy!" Warechu called out in anguish

"P-Ko...P-Ko" Neptune called as Marvelous got off, the passengers as well

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