Chapter 27: Forbidden Form Part 1

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"'s Theodore here...and jeez my life flashed before my lifes. Plutia, as Iris, I will a looker but, she's REALLY unnerving. Now before we go further...what's the deal with the title? The New forbidden form? What exactly gets banned in this episode...and Part 1. Great...well I guess we'll roll with it. Now we join our heroes just as they come back from fighting Arfoire. Blanc and Vert had left to get Vaccines, the in game item for treating the viral condition, Neptune and Terra spoke to Histoire with Falcom listening"

Back at the Basilicom Terra put the three girls down for some rest. Nepgear and Plutia were conscious but not very well by their hot heads and light laboured breathing, with the children watching over them, while Noire was asleep on the sofa. Terra and Neptune recounted all to Histore, with Falcom listening "Arfoire...stole Noire's power?" asked Histoire

"That's what she said" said Terra "but though we saw no proof of that, in a way, Noire as you've seen is pretty tuckered out"

" got mondo strange" said Neptune "she tried to take my power away from me, only for Terra here to pay tag and get it. He even changed to me, Purple Heart and everything"

"You...transformed, to a CPU?" asked Falcom

"Not quite...but yeah" said Terra "It was a strange experience I'm telling you. I did like how strong I was...but not quite the body I was in"

"And what's wrong with my handsome adult figure?" asked Neptune

"It's better on you" Neptune was going to argue but went quiet

" arguments but I won't deny you made me look rather cool and expect a question later on"

Histoire sighs deeply "Still...while I'm glad all of you are unharmed, if Arfoire is indeed after your CPU power then you must be vigilant. You still need the power of two Mascots, and I can't help worry she knows this, and more than likely traps will be waiting. I'll converse with my older self for any clues"

"Not to worry" said Neptune "If it doesn't work...I could just give Terra my Purple Heart Form again"

"I don't even know how I got it in the first place" said Terra "but regardless of which, what happened to those two?" he referred to Plutia and Nepear "I know they have this...Viral status condition, but at best it should only make one unable to transform. I mean Blanc and Vert were struck and they were fine"

"It's true Histy. I even looked up the condition in my Gaming Nepedia, it doesn't weaken your stats or anything like that"

"But...those two look ill" said Falcom "Maybe they got corrupted or something"

"Allow me to check"

Histoire flies over to Nepgear, who was red faced and looked half-asleep with a wet towel to her head. Compa looked worried as Histoire put a hand to her head "Oh my...oh my! >_<. Nepgear has been poisoned with negative energy. Her share energy has been corrupted"

"Wait...I was right" said Falcom coming over with Neptune and Terra while Histoire reached for Plutia

"The same with Plutia. This goes beyond the Viral condition, whatever has hit these slowly sapping them of their shares from the inside"

"But...Ms Histoire, is there nothing we can do to help them?" asked Compa

"Can't we...just get the negative stuff out of them?" asked IF before Vert and Blanc came in

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