Chapter 30: Unexpected Evolution

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"Heya folks...Theodore here just sending you straight to the action. I wouldn't want to distract you. I've read the script for today...and...oh, oh it's going to be good. So to bring you up to speed, after Terra had his nightmare he goes back to find all his friends have prepared a surprise party for him. Let's proceed to the fun"

In only a short while the party was in full swing, everyone playing games, eating snacks or simply talking with one another. Terra himself was enjoying it as he grabbed a sausage roll "Terra...hey" Nepgear patted his shoulder to attract his shoulder

"Oh hi Nepgear" he said with a bright demeanour "what's up?"

"I was just making sure you were enjoying yourself really check if you're alright"

"Yeah I'm...alright now" he said with a sigh "I won't lie when I say...the experience wasn't pleasant. I could feel this...uncomfortable force smothering me and choking the life out of me"


"But..." he said brightening back up "I feel better now and since Vert slayed the...corruption I've been a lot better"

"Thank goodness" she then went to her pocket "Oh by the way...I found this for you"

Nepgear brought forth the Pseudo core "Here...this is for you"

"for me?" Terra said really puzzled "Why? I mean not that I'm not grateful but these things have a bad habit of breaking on me"

"Just one moment...Histoire, Histoire!" on the call of her name Histoire hovered over

"Yes...what's the matter?" asked Histoire

"I'm just asking a question. Is Terra alright to take this? It's just they have a bad habit of breaking"

"Saying that" Histoire said smiling "have you not noticed it's been in your possession for a while but remained intact?"

" that you mention it" it was then Histoire hovered right over to Nepgear and whispered "Aha, aha...what!? Really!?" her shout didn't go unnoticed with everyone stopping "Oh sorry everyone...don't mind me"

Nepgear though looked flustered "But Histoire...are you absolutely sure?"

"I am indeed :-)" said Histoire beaming "I researched it today and can confirm it's 100% possible"

"What...what did she say?" asked Terra being really curious

"Terra...take the Pseudo core from Nepgear. Believe me when I say it'll grant you new power"

"Wait...this thing will make me stronger?" Histoire nodded "Well...I know you aren't a liar so...can I?" Nepgear handed Terra the Pseudo-Core and within a moment of him touching it, the item vanished.

Compared to before Terra felt a peculiar pulse run through his body, making him close his eyes and his clothes waft. It was then as he breathed out "I feel...different"

"You'll no doubt discover your new power in your next battle" said Histoire "I hope it's to your liking"

" I" said Nepgear a bit stunned " needn't worry next time. I'll be fighting with you next to time"

"I'll be counting on you" said Terra who shook her hands with her. It was then Terra felt something peculiar which Nepgear read in his face

"What is it?" it was then Terra turned to his side, and held out his hand...for Nepgear's sword/blaster hybrid weapon to forge in his hand "What the?"

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