Chapter 56: Prelude To the Finale

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"And Now...we return to this fantabluous story of My little bro's tale. Hi it's me Neptune the first, introducing my splendiferous tale to you all. So last time Terra, Vert and Blanc stumbled into a literal forgotten land of Tari and met up with Croasti – or Croire to everyone else – who fair to say doesn't seem that nice. Croire is currently guiding Terra to the Leanbox Mascot while the rest of us...are preparing things at home"

Back at Planeptune the preparations were still underway but it was towards completion. Banners were put up with 'WELCOME HOME', party food prepared and games in a pile stacked high with movies and much more. Sleeping bags and floor beds were all put out for everyone. Neptune just finished wrapping a gift "there we go...all trimmed and ready for my little bro"

"Neptune I'm back" said Nepgear with a green box "I just finished getting the gift Vert wanted me to buy on her behalf"

"What she get him Neppy Jnr?" asked Plutia

"She...told me not to spoil the surprise" said Nepgear "Well...I think we're all ready now"

"We just have to wait for the man of honour" said Neptune "Speaking of which where is he?"

"Would you like me to contact him?" asked Histoire "I did set up a link as to his whereabouts"

"Hmm...yeah go on"

"Alright then excuse me"

Histoire closed her eyes, as Terra flew to where Croire guided him "Terra, Terra can you hear me? It's me Histoire"

"Oh hey Histoire" said Terra in his mind "What's up?"

"Turn left here" said Croire jabbing

"Terra who's there?" asked Histoire hearing the voice

"I'll tell you later. Anyway I shouldn't be too long now, we're on the way to the Leanbox Mascot right now"

"You are!? Are you having trouble? You've been gone a while"

"Does the name Tari mean anything to you? Yeah the Mascot here?"

"My Goodness Tari!" the last word came out vocally which alerted the girls before Histoire spoke again "Just don't linger there too long. Be safe"

"I will see you soon"

As Histoire came back to the room with eyes open "My goodness, that's a name I'd thought had long ago"

"Tari...what's Tari?" asked Neptune "It sounds like something you name an artefact or a grandma"

"Funny you should say that. I can't be sure if the Hyperdimension's history is the same as this one...but Tari was land founded around a couple centuries okay. From my records I have, it was a land of advanced technology but also sadly to a CPU who wasn't well favoured. Afterwards the land sort of...passed on and that's all I have"

"So Terra is in this land of Tari?" asked Plutia "But...why is he there? Is that where the Mascot of Leanbox is?"

"I can only assume so...but he sounds fine. Well we'd best get the final preparations ready"

Croire continued pointing until "And we've arrived at our destination" Croire referred to a large igloo building of white stone that seemed to have endured some damage "Well there you are...the Mascot of Leanbox should be in there"

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