Chapter 18B: Curious Darkness

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Blanc, Terra and Noire headed outside into the nation of Lowee preparing to head to the Metroid cavern.  "Well then...are we all ready to go?" asked Blanc "We just need to head East from the town and the Cavern is simple straight line"

"Alright then" said Terra until someone called him out

"Terra...Terra hey!"

"Huh?" landing before him, from nowhere, in a crouched kneel before rising up was Marvelous,  "Oh Marvelous! hey"

"And hey to you too, I was hoping to meet back up with you again. My work is all done, so I was hoping we could go on quest together?"

"Well...fortunately for you, me, Blanc and Noire are about to head onto the Metroid cavern, you can come if you like?"

"Hmmm Terra" said Noire scowling "you'd better not be forgetting about present company here"

"Say Terra do you know this girl?" asked Blanc coming round before staring directly at Marvelous' chest "this...very busty girl"

"Oh sorry"

Terra stood at the side of Marvelous "Blanc this is Marvelous, a friend of mine. She's a ninja who helps gather intelligence on bad guys around the nations with her...hmm...colleagues and Marvelous this is Blanc"

"Nice use of phrase there" said Marvelous nodding before bowing "and it's pleasure to meet you Lady Blanc"

"The same...for me?" said Blanc staring at Marvelous' assets before shaking her head "anyway...would you like to come with us?"

"We're heading to the Metroid acquire Lowee's Mascot" said Noire

"If that's alright with you, of course" said Marvelous "shall we go? I've got some futomaki rolls to share"

"That's be great thank you!" said Terra happily.

Blanc led the group not quite out of the nation to the outskirts of it. Her nation's town was moderate in size, the rest mostly farm-land and canvasses of fields. Blanc was at the front, walking alongside Marvelous who ate a futomaki roll...constantly glancing at her front "How the heck did she grow them that big? What's her secret?" Marvelous couldn't help but catch her glances

" something wrong?"

"I'll just come right out and say're really big you know that?" Marvelous followed Blanc's line of sight and looked at her endowed bosom that bounced with step she made

" mean them don't you?" she said with a tired smile

"I have to did you grow that big? What's your secret?"

Marvelous wasn't sure how to answer Blanc "Well...I don't really train anything special, I don't massage them or anything. They just, kinda grew big on their own. It could be these Futomaki rolls" Marvelous said showing Blanc "I eat a lot these, so maybe these are the reason"

"So...Futomaki rolls are the reason?" asked Blanc

"I...can't personally comment, why do you ask?"

" reason" Blanc then said under her breath "Note to more futomaki" Marvelous just chuckled

"I guess...even Goddess' worry about their image sometimes"

It didn't take long for the group to reach the cavern, blue crystals jutting out of the walls "Here we are the Metroid Cavern" said Blanc "It's mostly a treasure hunting spot, but it's also filled with monsters"

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