Chapter 8: Dark Arrival

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"Well's me Theodore and I'll say this...I think I've seen my life flash before my eyes. Having three teed off girls, all powered up, with bloodlust in their's nightmare fuel. You see the girls have this deal where if I stock them with their favourite treats they'll behave...unfortunately some of the younger ones got greedy and scoffed the lot. If it wasn't for...Terra and I.F during the last chapter I wouldn't be here right now. Now then moving on"

Neptune tilted her head left and right, thinking over the message conveyed by her Histoire "Soooo...what did my Histy say before she all fizzled out like a broken off-air channel?"

"Something about...Mascots I think" said Noire

"And then...she said upgrade" said Plutia " we get these Mascots to upgrade my Histoire?"

"But I've never heard that word 'Mascots' once before" said Noire thinking on it "at least not outside the costume wearing animals topic. So I wouldn't even know where to look"

"It's time at these...where my talents really shine" said Neptune proclaiming "Everyone...I'd like to behold...the crucial book for all things related to Neptunia...the Nepedia"

Neptune, almost from thin air, pulled out a purple book with a green like jewel spot in the centre "This is the trusted Neppedia, a little book that contains all the information a Gamer needs while playing any of my beloved Neptunia game. It records all things such as Enemies, locations, and all handy items"

"You...pulled that from the Video Game universe?" asked Noire itching her head "Is that even allowed?"

"Well...we have to progress the story somehow" said Terra taking the book "And since this is a fanfiction of the game...I think we can bend the rules"

"I guess so...come on Terra let's see if you can find"

Terra scanned the pages "Let's see...location Enemy Item list...I think I'll check the index first. Be easier to find"

"Well indexes are alphabetical" said Noire peering over "So go to the M...and here we are Mascots. On page...107" Terra flipped to the page

"Here we go...A Mascot is a spirit or entity that is born, in the lands of a Nation Town. It usually embodies itself as a Disc. It forms in response to the share energy within the air, helping to keep the lands healthy and free from corruption" Terra gestured book to Noire "Do you want a turn? I mean there's still plenty left"

"Oh...thank you. You're a...bit more considerate than I thought" she said surprised before she continued reading "So as a result they hide in remote areas, away from evil and corruption. Mascot's are able to unseal locked potential, endow one with knowledge and can even be stacked with other Mascots. The only downside is...the Mascots are finicky and not always helpful"

As Terra finished he looked up "So...these Mascots...allow someone to unlock their potential. So it lets them get better then?"

"Then...we need to them find them to upgrade little Histy!" said Neptune eagerly

"Upgrade her?" repeated Noire

"Well this Histy, being all younger and everything, isn't as high spec as mine. I mean she's out cold and sawing logs after she was done with just a call. So we do what Typical Heroes of RPG's do...find the key items to achieve our goal. Or find the turn Histy into a high powered-high spec machine that I know and love"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now