Chapter 19: Inner Troubles and Small Obstacles

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Copypaste for the time-being stood (on his wheels) one arm with Blanc having broke the left one. Copypaste though picked it back up and managed to reattach it "I doubt there's much point" said Terra darkly "because when I'm through with'll be a bit more than your arm that's broken"

"We'll see it about!" Copypaste said charging forward "I'll show you the difference in our powers"

"Terra...get out of there!" called Marvelous but Terra didn't move

"Now...take this" using the momentum of his charge, he struck with a hard punch but Terra caught it...and though he skidded and scraped the ground by several metres he was able to stop it "What!?"

"Eh...such a funny thing" said Terra "A machine can be made better and stronger...but it's pathetic against the will of flesh for improving all the time"

Copypaste tried to thrust forward his second punch, but Terra went over the it with a smart flip before rolling forward to Copypaste's head. Terra stopped himself as he faced downwards, though at an angle, ready to double-kick him. At the same time, Terra fired a strong burst of notably dark energy - from his hands - which turned his extending legs into a steel-kicks striking Copypaste with such power he was knocked in the air.

Terra did land, though with wobbly legs, while Copypaste landed and braked himself to a stop still...though his right cheek was heavily dinted "There you are you see" Terra said boastfully "a machine can be made to the point of perfection...but it cannot go further"

"Jeez...what actually did that machine feed him?" asked Noire astonished "We've been fighting this fight with no damage...and he kicked the thing"

"But...I think he damaged his leg" said Marvelous noting he was leaning more heavily on his right one "he's not standing on it very well"

"Well...he did kick two foot inch of steel, with his bare-body"

Terra shook off his leg, to shake off the feeling of pain "Pain...the pleasure of one's achievement, the proof that we earn what we strive to achieve"

"Terra...what the heck is wrong with you?" asked Blanc stepping to him

"The concern is not necessary...CPU of white" he said coldly to her "A girl who cannot wield the magnificent power bestowed to her, holds no interest to me"

"CPU...of White?" Blanc said ignoring the insult

"If you wish to do something more than simply call in anger, get back to it then. As for you...CPU of Black, the youth of experience clings to you like a bad odour. With all the grace of a prissy ballerina to match"

"Excuse me!?" Noire replied irritable

"Excuse me...I'm cutting in" called Copypaste charging in "I'm breaking up this party...and COMING IN!"

Terra looked quite ticked off by Copypaste's interruption "Another fool who thinks bawling and charging equates to I'm surrounded by morons" Terra clenched his hands tightly, his hands encased by dark fires "None of you deserve to meet raw supreme strength, or even gaze upon it, but if you really desire a be it"

Copypaste tried first to steam-roll Terra, who just jumped over him. Copypaste though stopped, turned round his torso and went to 'clap' him to crush him in his palms. Terra spread out his arms, to block the attack...though notably with a wince. Terra then sprung himself out, Copypaste's hands smashing together before Terra curled himself round...and hands locked together smashed Copypaste's hands...causing Copypaste to hit himself.

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