Chapter 18A: Curious Question

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"Hello all and welcome to the chapter. It's me...your humble narrator once more Theodore...and I must immediately apologize for my absence. Let's just say...I am never going anywhere near lobster or sushi for the rest of my life. I was invited to this seafood place, Terra and Marvelous invited me with Neptune...and fair to say, I couldn't keep it down. I actually contracted food poisoning, lovely...but never mind my woes, let's get on"

"Compa and Big Histoire have been keeping me upto date with the going's on of the story. Recently Neptune, Terra and pals helped to thwart Mister BADD and reclaim the nation of Lowee. While Neptune, Plutia and Noire went home...Terra decided to stay behind to explore Lowee properly. Blanc decided to give Terra a personal tour, as thanks for his help, and guided him to a weaponsmith repair shop for his sword"

The time was now the evening, the sun setting through the orange sky. Blanc and Terra came out of a shop, Terra holding his newly repaired blade  "That smith guy fixed this up like a looks like new. Minus the handle part of course" Terra showed the handle, of blue and yellow, to be a little scuffed up and worn

"You've had that sword for a long time haven't you?" asked Blanc 

"It was the sword my master gave me before she left on her own journey. I know eventually I will need to sword...but I'd like try to maintain the blade the best I can"

"Ever thought of getting a new sword...and just keeping your old one unused?"

"Hmm...I've thought about it, but I've never felt the need to look for a new sword. This one still works pretty well. Anyway was it really alright for you to pay for this?"

"It's alright...think nothing of it"

As Terra sheathed his sword, he looked to the sky "Well it's growing late now, it might be best if I head to the inn and call it a night"

"No need for that" said Blanc "you're free to stay with me at the Basilicom"

"Oh really?"

"While we don't have guest rooms as such, we do have plenty of futons to go round. I was...hoping you can tell me a bit about your adventures so far, over some tea maybe"

"That' nice thank you and..." he said inching his face "I was kinda hoping to ask you more about what a CPU actually does Plutia and Neptune...hmm how to put it without being rude, are more interested in napping. I did get plenty of help from Noire, or rather she helped those two and I took some notes"

"Well come on...let's get ourselves comfortable and talk"

Meanwhile at the enemy base, Warechu was telling Arfoire of all he witnessed "So...the boy even interfered with Mister BADD?"

"It was his own fault really" said Warechu stood on the table "He tried to use White Heart's...problem as a shield, but with that guy being the typical – happy-go-lucky – hero he boosted White Heart's confidence and together they trounced him. Then add in that Psycho heart CPU can guess the rest" Arfoire looked particularly annoyed

"And there goes our foothold in Lowee. We could've done with BADD remaining on the inside, gathering and sending inside information...but then again it was only a matter of time until he was usurped or found out" Arfoire scowled and folded her arms "that becoming a fair nuisance. His power seems to be equivalent to that of a CPU. He's definitely stronger than I was told"

"But...yet you don't seem to bothered about it" said Warechu

"It depends...on the next ten minutes or so"

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