Chapter 17 Part 1: White Betrayal

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"Hello to you all, readers and watchers from worlds beyond. I am Histoire, the older looking one, and here I am to narrate to you. Theodore is now starting to recover, but his fever still remains. To Neptune and others they say Theodore is putting it on a little...what word 'thick' for some personal attention. Still I too am keeping an eye on his health, and notify he should be ready by Chapter 18 or 19 at least. So with that it's time for the story to progress"

"Last time in the story, Terra, Neptune and friends – alongside Vert a visitor of another town – went ahead to meet the CPU of Lowee White Heart to find the truth of her ties with the 'Wise Sages'. Arriving there though they are ambushed by the guards and now dart through the castle in an attempt to find White Heart and find the truth. Also please be aware this chapter is in three parts, that's why the name is different please enjoy"

The group were running through a hallway, to a more open room, to find awaiting them crystal golems of blue – with one red and green crystal or each shoulder with more Lowee guards. All had their weapons out and got into action. Terra and Neptune took on the Crystal golems with their blades working alongside each other to defeat them. Cyberconnect 2 with her long dagger and nimbe movements sought to incapitate each Lowee Guard while Vert with her long black spear, the blade silver, and Noire with her sabre fended off the guards before going to knock them out.

As the last guard fell, Neptune and Terra slayed the Golems and joined up "This is getting us nowhere" said Noire a little peeved "This whole place is a maze, and all the rooms look the same"

"It does feel like we're going in circles" said Cybercon panting a little "Not that these guards are in any trouble"

"But we're whittling away our stamina" said Vert "in slow increments. That's the third team we've defeated since infiltrating this place"

"And since we are due to meet White Heart" said Terra "we need all the energy we can get. CPU can be pretty tough"

"What would you know about that?"

"He fought Purple Heart" said Neptune "I did win, of course, but fair to say I needed a power nap afterwards"

Vert looked puzzled "You were capable of fighting a CPU? Surely you can't be that strong"

"He might not look it" said Noire "but Terra has more power than the average human. Fair to say...while I don't doubt my victory if I should fight him, I know at least I'll need to try a little"

"Hmm...thank you? I think" Terra said a little confused

"I still find that hard to believe somehow" said Vert doubtfully

"Then you'll just have to wait and seeee" Plutia said "well there's only one door, let's go everyone one"

They all ran to the doorway, which opened for three more Lowee guards to approach "This is getting tiresome" said Vert

"Leave these ones to me" said Terra who made a pretty high jump, blade high into the air which glowed yellow "Fierce Edge!" slamming the blade down a vertical wave of yellow rode along the ground, struck the group of guards and dispersed them

"Oh my, that's a surprise"

"You haven't seen anything yet" said Neptune "come on ladies, and guy, let's hustle"

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