Chapter 53B: Secrets of Body and Soul - Part 2

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As Arfoire told Terra of his resemblance to another which struck him as odd "Wait...what do you mean? If I was accidentally brought into this I can remind you of anything?"

"My thought exactly" said Arfoire "But why is it I feel such a condescending tone in the back of my mind"

"Look if you know anything about Terra...spill it!" demanded Neptune

"Yeah, no more secrets lady" said Peashy

"I have no need to answer to the likes of you" said Arfoire "Now then...time to get this fight done. You've stood in my way long enough"

"You still insist on fighting?" asked Terra with sword back in "You must've seen you're no match for us. You're too tired and you're letting your anger do the fighting"

"Yeah you're so easy" said Peashy mockingly without trying to be mocking "We'll beat you easily"

"I'd sooner perish at my own hand...than lose to you" Arfoire charged forward, dual-blade at the ready "Now prepare yourself"

The three prepared their weapons, while Arfoire's right hand started to glow "What's she doing?" asked Neptune to which Terra looked on, before widening his eyes as her other hand glowed the same

"What's she...Neptune, Peashy scatter!" called Terra

"What the!? Peashy!?" Neptune exclaimed but the moment was gone, as Arfoire punched her fists together

"Brutal Explosion!" she literally ignited a bomb that caught her and the threesome in a light of bright red.

The three fights all called out as they flew out of the explosion in a scuffed up heap, the same with Arfoire who tumbled backwards. For those overlooking from a distance the action was startling "What did she do?" asked Noire "I mean yes she caught those three, but why is Arfoire got hurt too?"

"I don't think self-preservation is on her mind" said Falcom "That blast was powerful, but she had no intention of avoiding it"

"So the coward dealt damage to herself, just to hurt those three?" asked Blanc

"It would appear so...but before then" said Vert "Did you catch what Terra called Yellow Heart before they fled?"

"I think...he said Peashy?" said Plutia a bit consued "He told Neppie and Peashy to scatter. But only Yellow Heart is there...which means, Peashy must be Yellow Heart"

"Which I'll refute later" said Blanc putting down the binoculars "but if this witch is not interested in herself anymore...than she won't be bothered what happens to her"

"She did say...she'd rather perish by her own hand" said Vert "than lose didn't she? Let's be ready to jump though...though weakened are we, Arfoire has taken considerable damage so her strength must be low too"

Terra cringed as he got up "Ow...that hurt, ow. Neptune...Peashy are you alright?"

"I'm...okay" said Neptune groaning

"Owwiieee" said Peashy moaning a bit "That hurt a little" Peashy sat up

"But more to the point, that really you? Terra called you Peashy"

"This is Peashy" said Terra sighing "When Peashy was taken, she swallowed a CPU core the rat had on him. I only discovered this when we went training"

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