Chapter 34: Promises to Be Made

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"Not much of intro this time. So Theodore here to continue the story"

The Hyperdimension Arfoire stood to confront them in her giant machine while Terra, Noire, both Falcom's and Blanc looked ready to defend. As Terra transformed he pointed to Arfoire "I'd suggest turning back while you can"

"Nonsense" Arfoire said as the front legs of the machine flailed about "My victory is destined here, for it's my rightful place to rule over this pathetic world"

"You're a jealous old hag and nothing more" said Blanc "I know fully well you were a goddess before the CPU's here, but you let the power go to your head"

"'re aware of my origin are you?" she said irritant " also know of what the Goddess did to me?"

"They stripped your power" said Young Falcom "and sent it to another dimension, where another Arfoire obtained"

"That's only half-right. What those Goddess' did to me can never be forgiven. I'm going to pay them back, by ruining the world that was meant to be mine in the first"

The front right leg swung out to everyone "Terra, Young me, follow my lead" said Falcom who jumped to the leg, ran along it with a sword dammed into the leg before dragging it along paralysing the leg in the air

"Mach Essence" Terra said with palm out to Young Falcom embalming her in blue light "Let's go" with a jump they both leapt to the same leg as they sliced the leg, they blades briefly drawing a X, before it exploded.

The Robot staggered back on five of its remaining legs "How did you cut through that so easily!?" demanded Arfoire

"I get the feeling...this won't be much of a work-out" said Blanc with weapon in hand "Well then Noire, let's see how you stack up to the one I know"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the better one" said Noire

"Then prove it!"

"that's what you think" said Arfoire who snapping her fingers unveiled hidden turrets on the robot "Now attack"

At once lasers broke out firing at the group which made them all constantly move about. Falcom went on her own, avoiding and deflecting the lasers before cleaving through one leg to destroy it. Terra and Young Falcom teamed up, going for another leg. "Terra boost me up!" Terra turned round cupped his hands and vaulted Young Falcom in the air.

Young Falcom stabbed the top of the and began going down only to be whipped away by it. Terra though caught her by the hand and dropped her softly to her feet before vanishing his blade "Plasma Force Mk 2" firing the plasma shot at the leg. The result was an explosion that did knock Terra away to the floor but Young Falcom caught him

"Are you alright?" she asked

"I'm fine thanks" he said high-fiving her "Are you still to keep you?"

"No problem" Mentor Falcom seemed proud of their co-operation

As for Blanc and Noire, the two were surprisingly quite solid in team-work. They took it in turns to defend and attack dealing with another leg with no issue. The machine was left wobbling on two but with a glowing blade Noire swung it "Tornaraid Sword!" which she fired a rainbow arc to go through the leg making it crackle "Blanc over to you"

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