Chapter 41: Passing Down the Line

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"Welcome back folks, it's time to nosey on with the story. IT's your lovable bubbly protags, of protagonists Neptune. So Terra is beginning is new road to recovery, after his big level restart in a way, but alongside the children and my ever so terrific sister Nep Jnr, their quest continues forward"

Terra with Nepgear and the kids continued their journey into the Saturn Forest, after found their three red beeswaxes. Terra was thinking on how to show Nepgear some sword skills, to which she requested "Well...I'm not quite sure how to start"

"How do you mean?" asked Nepgear

"Well to show you sword training, I'm not sure where at all to begin. That...and I'm not quite sure how it'll help you in HDD"

"How do you mean?" asked IF "Won't it be the same"

"In HDD...the CPU's have full freedom of flight. So things like gravity and grip on the ground don't mean much to them"

"Then that might be a good place to start" said Nepgear going HDD before forging her blaster

"There's also that as well" he said pointing to the weapon "It's different to a normal blade"

Terra pointed to her weapon "How come...the weapon makes a difference?" asked Peashy "Don't you just swing it?"

"In swordplay Peashy, the way a blade is can affect one's fighting style" said Terra explaining as he brought out his blade "For its weight, reach, damage and speed...and the users own stats"

"Like how the Young Falcom uses one hand" said Compa "but the grown up one uses both hands"

"That's right"

" can you take this?" asked Nepgear gesturing her weapon to him "I'd like your opinion on it if that's okay"

"Well alright...then I'll trade you for a moment"

Terra gave his sword to Nepgear, and she gave hers to him. Terra held the sword, swung it around "Hmm...a tad lighter than mine, but easy enough to swing" Terra tried different poses with it "It feels...a little odd really" Terra held it in his right hand "It's more natural to hold it in one hand, and flows fast enough...but it feels unsteady"

"Unsteady?" asked IF "So can't get much strength in it"

"Something like that" Terra gripped it with both hands and swung it around "Now it feels firmer, and easier to swing...but it grounds you in place as you can't move about too much. Which you can deal with since you fly"

"You...can deduce all that just by holding the weapon?" asked Nepgear "That's amazing" before a rustling sounded "Hey what's that?" but then from the trees, and to their look

"Hey, hey's a Radisher!"

A nimble two legged, and two armed radish with dot eyes and mouth appeared before them. It's legs and arms only bent at the halfway, and it looked to be fidgeting "It seems to be alone" said Terra "I don't detect anyone else for now"

"Let me take of it then"

"Hang on...take it back. Always wield what you're use to" the two switched back weapons and Nepgear flew in.

Nepgear went to slash at it, the radisher looking at her and as she slashes the radisher dodged and jumped. The radisher was a very agile monster, dodging nearly all of Nepgear's attacks. Nepgear even tried aiming her blaster "Multiple Beam launcher!" but her beam missed as the Radisher side-stepped her "what?"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now