Chapter 38: --- By Darkness Pt 1

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"Theodore – awwww – bring you into the chapter. The mood here is still suckish and you can't blame it. Neptune is only one still with any positivity, but Can you really save a false personality? Well...this is Neptunia so anything is possible. It's still one day before the grand people between Arfoire and Enfive, and while the rest are still coming to terms with Terra...Neptune has other ideas. Tasked by this voice in her head, she heads to each nation to acquire a small fragment of each nation's sharicite core. She first starts with Lastation"

It was the evening, with the sun setting over the land...and for Neptune she was making a panicked escape. Neptune just came out of Noire's Sharacite chamber, in a compartment in her wardrobe "Dress goes here, needles there...and were her shoes there, or there" she quickly put everything back before heading to the window "Now for Blanny's core" transforming to Purple Heart she went out an open window before closing it from the outside.

Neptune held the shining light in her hand "It was trickier to find Noire's core than I thought. Then again you wouldn't think it'd be in her wardrobe" Neptune flew as fast as she could towards Lowee "Right let's find Blanny's then use my protagonist powers to go back home. I'll leave Leanbox for the morning. I did say I'd only pop out for food items, they won't buy that lie if I come home at one in the morning"

Arriving at the Nation of Lowee, as the sun nearly disappeared, she landed on the balcony of CPU meeting room going inside "Now...this place brings back memories. This is where...we all fought Blanc with...Terra on her side" Neptune though shook her head and slapped her cheeks "No Neppy remember your mission. Now to find the Sharacite core"

Neptune closed her eyes, hand out, feeling the flow of Share energy in the air. Her senses turned her above to the roof "The energy is collecting up there. But I didn't see any windows when I came here, so there must a secret stairwell" Neptune scanned the area "Now...I imagine Blanc won't have the security switch too far from here. So let's look around"

Neptune scanned the area and support beams but to find no soft indents or buttons "Come on Blanc, where would you hide it?" her thoughts shifted to the 'throne' like chair and felt around it. She then finally struck luck and felt a switch on the underside of the right arm-rest and upon pressing it a door in the ceiling slid open "Jackpot" Neptune flew up into the spacious room seeing the giant 7ft crystal hovering in the air with swirling twinkling stardust surrounding it "Nice now to take a small portion"

Neptune touched the crystal, focusing her power before drawing her hand away to remove a fist size fragment of the crystal. As she pulled it away the crystal slowly regenerated what she took "that should do now to close up" Neptune left the room, went to the throne and after pressing the button the door closed "So I've got lastation's and Lowee's but I'm out of time"

Neptune looked to darkening orange sky "I'll leave Leanbox till the morning, before everyone else gets suspicious, fortunately my instant transmission has now" with two fingers to her head, she teleported from Lowee to the town of Planeptune "Ahh...there we go" Neptune went human and was quite out of breath "That doesn't get any easier. Now to get the food items"

Back at Planeptune's basilicom, the rest of the girls were still present but Plutia and Nepgear had fallen asleep "Where exactly is Neptune?" asked Noire "she sure is taking her time"

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