Chapter 32: Meeting of Old or New - Part 2

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"Well folks...let's just get straight to the story. I'm as eager to learn about Arfoire as everyone else. And right now...a bomb of sorts just dropped so let's get to it" 

As everyone inquired about Arfoire, Histoire made a sigh as she spoke" a former Goddess, of the last generation"

"Wait what?" repeated Nepgear

"Run me again" said Neptune "I'm quite sure my little ears didn't hear that correctly" 

"Wait...Arfoire is a Goddess like us?" asked Blanc

"But...not of this dimension" said Histoire shaking her head "but the one Terra and Neptune's hails from which from now on will be called the Hyperdimension"

"What about ours Histoire?" asked Plutia "What's our or this dimension called

"This dimension will be referred to the Ultra Dimension...that is when speaking of it"

Histoire cleared her throat "Now in the Hyperdimension before the four CPU's, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and Noire – who were all born CPU's – there were five others of the previous generation. One of them being Arfoire. Arfoire was once good of heart, with a special ability to 'Copy' any power around her"

"Wait...copy? As in monkey-see, monkey do?" asked Neptune

"Not...quite but you are right in concept"

"So...Arfoire has not quite being stealing our power" said Vert "But copying them instead"

"If what the other Histoire said is true, then yes" said Histoire "She also mentioned, that Arfoire's ability to copy begin slowly chip away at her once good nature, turning into a sense of greed. The other CPU's tried to challenge her, but were unable to defeat her"

"This is all well and good" said Noire "But this Arfoire is of the Hyperdimension, where Neptune and Terra are from, but what's this got to do with this Arfoire?"

"I'm...getting to that but fair to say...I can't be certain"

Histoire sounded uncertain as she spoke "Apparently...the best the CPU's could do, was seal Arfoire's power away sending it to another dimension. Both of us can only hypothesize that the Arfoire born of this dimension, inherited the other's power"

"Well...there's a second Blanc, Vert, Noire, IF and Compa" said Nepgear "so it's not completely unreasonable to say there can't be a second Arfoire"

"But it leaves some unanswered questions...but that can come later" said Vert "No doubt the unanswered mysteries will come to light soon"

"Sorry I couldn't be more helpful" said Histoire apologetically

"No biggie" Said Neptune "No doubt more exposition will be on the horizon, in the mean-time it's time to grind"

"We've decided that it's best we do some training" said Vert "To level up our stats in preparation for the next fight"

"Then after a little rest" said Nepgear "Shall we head to guild? If we all do quest for our own nations, our shares will increase and we'll gain some experience"

"I don't see any issue with that" said Noire

"I call dibs on Terra first" said Vert with hand raised "No doubt he'll need some training to be a CPU of which I can happily"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now