Chapter 21: Understanding One's Fear

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Together Terra and the three kids headed to the nearby guild, backpacks on each of them – though Terra had his sword – where Neptune awaited them "Hey there Terra and gals, what's shaking?" she said in a friendly manner "I saw you all coming and waited to meet you"

"We're going on a big trip Nep-Nep" said Compa smiling "with Terra on a hunting quest"

"I see...I hope you all have plenty of fun. If you're looking for the perfect side-quest for you all, select the quest called 'A tamed monster'. The monster in that quest isn't too strong but should provide some challenge"

"Hey, hey...can we do that one?" asked Peashy "and Neptuna...are you coming with us?"

"It's Neptune my cute little P-ko and sorry to disappoint but I can't"

"Neppy...come on" said Plutia who ran to Neptune "we don't wanna take too long do we"

"Me and Plutia are going on a simple fetch quest"

"Why...did Histoire yell at you again?" asked Terra to which Neptune put her hands on her hips

"Of course not! I simply wanted the exercise to help gain notoriety for my great nation"

Terra looked to the girls, to see them not too convinced "she got yelled at didn't she?" whispered Compa to IF

"More than likely" IF replied back with Terra chuckling

"Well...either way" he said to her "I guess we'll see you later"

"Take care of yourselves" said Plutia "and have lots of fun"

"We will" said Peashy before dragging Terra inside "come on, come on let's go pick a quest already"

"Alright, alright stop pulling" said Terra dragged against his wills.

Neptune waited until they had gone inside "As for you kiddies" said Neptune kneeling down "do your best to cheer old Terra up, he hasn't been himself lately"

"We'll try Nep-Nep" said Compa

"I suppose I can help out too" said IF "though what's wrong with him?"

"Ah that's what you need to find out" said Neptune putting on a soldier like tone "but go on, go have fun"

"We will"

Terra came back out "so then...what'd you pick?" asked Neptune

"The quest you mentioned" said Terra "It's no more than half-an-hour from here, and the monsters there are fairly low level. As least according to the mission info. It's at the Saturn rock road"

"Go on, skedaddle and have fun. Also do as you told you three?"

"Okay Neptuna" said Peashy and with that the group went on its way. As Neptune waited until they were into the distance, she grinned

"And stage 1 of my brilliant plan is a go. Now to inform the troops and provide...hmm what is it, that fancy long word beginning with R, oh I'll ask Blanc. Time to go"

Terra and the kids set off into the vast fields, heading East from Planeptune. High above were Neptune and Blanc in HDD forms with Plutia upon Blanc's back "this is your bright plan" said Blanc "We just stay up here"

"Well we can't let them see us Blanny" said Plutia "Otherwise they'll think something is up"

"Look...the whole affair shouldn't take longer than an hour" said Neptune "As soon as the quest is done we'll head home to meet them. We need to let Terra do this...get some of his confidence back"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now