Chapter 55: Lost and Near Forgotten

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"And we're back. Now then we're currently going through two stories so to speak. Enfive journeys with Blanc to find the human Arfoire while the weakened Terra rests at Vert's Basilicom. Now remember that the times of the two dimensions flow different. For every 24 hours in the hyperdimension, about 5-6 days flows in the Ultra Dimension, so keep that in note. Now then we begin the chapter with Terra at Vert's abode"

It was the 3rd day, with Terra remaining asleep at Vert's abode. It was the morning and Vert was checking him over "Hmm...compared to before he seems to be in better condition. His breathing is softer and he isn't as hot now. Let's see if I can rouse him...Terra, Terra hey"


"Come on...rise and shine Terra, it's morning" blue eyes peeled open "There we go"

"Hmm...hmm...Vert?" he said sleepily "where?" he sat up, groaning a bit as he got up

"Easy, easy" Vert said stopping him moving so quickly "Now before you begin your questions, you're at my Basilicom. You've out cold for 2 days, this day being the third"

Terra looked round to see the familiar room "What happened to me? And wha...?" Vert rubbed his head

"You saved us all...that's what" she said happily "You pushed yourself beyond what you should've done, reflecting Vert's power. Since then you've been sleeping and even got a nasty fever. Tell me how do you feel?"

"Sore...and woolly minded" he said holding his head "I still feel a bit dizzy and my body is sore"

"That's endured quite a bit in the battle, but at least you seem okay. Now I had a doctor check you over...and she said you're to take it easy and get in a bath straight away"

"A bath...sounds lovely right now"

"Then I'll go run you one...and see what I can do about your clothes. I managed to get that outfit I gave you replaced"


Terra eased himself into the warm bath, nearly calling out for the water that soaked through. His body almost cried in joy, as he eased himself into the water just lying down "(Knock, Knock) Terra are you in? Is it okay?"

"It's...amazing" he said sighing "I a while"

"Don't be too long. I'll leave your clothes in the changing area"

"Alright...thank you" Terra looked down at his grazed and bruised body "Jeez...I really went the distance there. The whole fight...feels like a blur really and that bit at the end it's...incredible" Terra recalled the scene in which he showed the same light from him, Neptune and Nepgear "I' a family, I've actually got"

Terra smiled and looked up "To think...I set off in order to find them, and they were under my nose the whole time. I'm happy I found them...but annoyed that I couldn't be told about it. I mean I gather Uranus brought me here to make sure Enfive couldn't do anything...but leaving me alone wasn't fair. Speaking of's him we'll have to face next and personally I can't know how strong he is, compared to his sister Arfoire"

Terra thought of the fight as he washed himself down "Arfoire...what the hell happened to you? You began to collected and cunning...until it's almost like you mentally eroded as the fight progressed. The hate you have for CPU' deep. I'd like to think it's simply you being crazy that all it was? I guess...I won't know"

Hyperdimension Neptunia's Lost Chapter Mk 2 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now