Chapter 24: Vert's True Intentions

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"Hello everyone, Theodore as usual and welcome. It's been a few days since our last outing as the search for the CPU Core begins for Nepgear. The truth of its illusiveness begins to make itself known. Neptune with the help of Marvelous looked round Planeptune, Noire with the help of Terra checked Lastation, while Blanc and Plutia checked Lowee. On the side Terra and Noire were scouting round Lastation for a Mascot but though no luck they did get good lead. We join the latter as Noire carries Terra to Planeptune"

Terra was enjoying the view, as normal on this unusually cloudy but mild day with Noire (As Black Heart) looking up. As Noire spoke she sounded more mature "The forecast says it's going to be a dry day but with rain come the evening"

"If you ask me with this looks like it could rain any time" said Terra up before he felt a tickle to his arms "not again" Noire's long pig-tails were glancing the side of Terra, tickling his wrists and hands

"Hey...don't squirm back there. I ain't catching you if you fall"

"'s just your long hair is tickling me" Terra just chuckled which Noire seemed to annoyed by

"Excuse me if my hair is a problem. Didn't realise it was an inconvenience"

Terra seemed not to have understood what she implied  as he looked at Noire's white hair trailing behind her "Why...what's the matter  with it?" he said to her "I don't see anything wrong with your hair"

"What are you on about now?" asked Noire a bit muddled by his response before realizing "You...didn't hear me right. I meant-" Terra thought, accidentally, cut her off

"I mean I can tell you look after it, being so shiny and silky looking" Noire stopped her train of thought feeling a bit instead curious

" like my hair?"

"Hair styles don't bother me much...but I really like the white colour, reminds me a lot of snow. That and it goes well with your black suit" he then panicked "but I'm not saying your black hair isn't good either"

Noire seemed to go rather quiet, which Terra thought was a bit odd "Is...something wrong?"

"No not really" said Noire shaking her head "and naturally I'd look good. I'd be more annoyed if you didn't see that"

"So...I did annoy you then?"

"It's just a figure of speech. Look Planeptune is up ahead now...just hold on tight"

"Alright then" as Terra looked up Noire hid a rather grateful smile.

As the two got back, they saw everyone was all sat together...including Marvelous who greeted them "Hey you two, welcome back" she said greeting

"Hey Marvelous" said Terra "What brings you here?"

"Weren't you reading the story?" asked Neptune "The narrator said she was searching around Planeptune with me, to help find the legendary rare CPU core but with no luck"

"Did you guys happen to find anything?" asked Blanc

"Hmm...sort of, but only on the Mascot" said Terra disappointed

"A recent dungeon of sorts has erected on Lastation's border" said Noire "but the door is shut tight, we can't get it open. And by that question I can guess the same luck for everyone else" no response answered her back "That...answers that point"

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