Jake just nasty :/

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"LOL Okay..." I said and hung up. Having Justin over wasn't really a bad idea,we can get to know each other,since...

'Since we're fake dating?' a voice inside my head said...

'Yeah...' a little part of me sighed...

'Oh well...'

So for the past five to ten minutes,I have been sitting on my bed,listening at Jake's bad attempts to crack a joke.

But Tyler and Jake laughed,anyways...

I went down stairs,grabbed a bottle of water and head out the porch,in my blue snowman printed PJs,with my hair in a bun so messy you can literally get lost looking at it. *Note the 'Literally'

I saw vehicle after vehicle drive past and a sleek black car pulled up in front of the house,with Justin climbing out of it. Looking as tired as....a sloth after it takes a bath.


Do sloths bathe?

Oh well...

He looked at me and gave me a weak smile,which I returned.

But he stifled a laugh after he saw my hair. Knew it. This was gonna happen someday...

"Hey *yawn* Tay..." he said between yawns,he was tired...but I seem to not really care...

"Hey pumpkin,c'mon,let's go up,you look. Like...."

"As hotter than *Yawns* ever,rig *yawns* right?"

"Nope,like poop."

"Oh well,getting used to the insults now..."

I smiled and brought him up my room...

As he stepped into the room,he looked around,bewildered.

Has he ever been into ONE girl's room without his face on it?

Well,now,he did..

"Whoa..." he gasped as he looked at my bedroom walls...the pure shade of blue.

"Whoaa...." The ceiling,a light cotton candy pink...

"WHOA...." The floor,the carpeted floor,a light lavender shade of purple.

In other words,my room is like a dreamland!

I know,right?

"I know,I know...too good too be true,iight?"

"If you're a girl,yeah but I ain't so...yeah..."

And then now...we were just staring at each other,not knowing what to do...

"Eh,when is the Singapore trip?"

"Its this Friday..."

"HOLY HIPPOTAMUS! It's in freaking two days!"

"Oh yeah,wanna pack like,now?"

"Seriously? You? Pack MY stuff?"

"I'm just helping..."


He went to my closet and took a deep breathe.

My closet was that bad?

He started picking stuff out. And since Singapore is a place with tropical climate,we should not pack thick wooly turtlenecks. Ever.

Not like I own one ;)

In the end...all we brought was some tank tops,shorts,tee shirts,jeans,flats,converse,a few dresses here and there...

"Im so glad I brought you out the other day..."

I'll take it,as though i did not hear that.

After all that packing,I still couldn't sleep.

"Wanna watch a movieeee?" I asked,I wanna watch...a movie right now

"Eh,yeah,sure...what movie,we could TOTALLY watch Ne-"

"Not gonna watch Never Say Never OR your big face on my tv screen..."

"Then what?"

"Alice In Wonderland?"


As we settled onto my bed,-

Yes,my bed.

We are friends,and friends do that.



As we settled onto my bed,I could already feel Justin trying to sleep away.

Oh well.

And as I predicted,five minutes into the movie,he fell asleep...


*dead as a zombie*

Justin's Point Of View

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and wind whistling...

No,who wakes up to that?

I woke up to the laughter of Tyler and Jake.

"And he was like 'OH! Really?" Oh My God that was hilarious!"

Not really....

I looked to my right and I saw Taylor sleeping comfortably on the floor.

The floor?

Lol,now THAT is funny...

I went over to her side and gently picked her up,laying her down on her bed.

Then,I decided I wanna go and say 'Good Morning' to Mrs Evans...

As I walked down,I felt someone looking at me...


As I walked towards the kitchen,I heard someone call my name

"YO Justin! It's me,Jake..." oh,Jake...

"Aye...how you,how you doing?" I asked,casually...

"Fine,heard you were dating my sister,Taylor?"


"Well,it's my sister. My Taylor,we are talking about..."


"Well,we just wanna tell you what NOT to do with my sister...and well,you already violated one rule.."

"Which is.....?"

"You. Slept. With. Her"

"I fell asleep on her bed,she just fell asleep but rolled on the floor..."

"Oh,so tell me why my sister is naked right now."


"I ain't gonna be surprised if I go up to check and Taylor is not wearing anything"

"This is ridiculous..."

"Ridiculous? Fine...we give you,Ridunkulous..."

What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now