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Taylor's Point Of View

I was beating on the drums until Selena joined me,panting.

Ok,so I ignored the fact she was still only wearing her bikini and shorts.

"Tayo...Like I said,I am so so so sorry you witnessed that,we lost,wait,HE lost control and yeah. So,yeah,sorry? C'monnnnnnn..."

she whined

"Uh yeah,sure,I uh,I will totally forget that i saw...That." I frowned and continued playing the drums.

"TAYLORRRRR! I NEED TO TELL YOU THAT I..." Justin ran up to me and trailed off when he saw Selena. Selena then gave him a menacing glare and hugged him.

"Yes,darling? What did you want to tell Taylor?" She purred in his ear...LOUD ENOUGH FOR ME TO HEAR.

"Oh,nothing. Just...just that uh...its lunchtime!" He stuttered as I fist-pumped the ai-Okay eeeew.

Jersey Shore.

"Yeah,c'monnnnn! There's food!" I exclaimed happily and ran to the room where the staff ate at.

Geez. The room was freaking empty.

"Is this some kinda joke or....?" I trailed off,staring at Justin really annoyed. Nobody messes with food.

"Haha,you,uh,got me!" Justin said with fake enthusiasm and well everything that he did now screamed "FAKEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and walked out the room,leaving Selena and Justin in the empty lunchroom to finish whatever they were doing until I walked in on them in the hot tub.

How do I know that they were gonna continue?

I don't know,let's start with...

Selena going all "Justinnnnnnnnn! Mmmmmmmmmmmh!" as I bore into the empty room,with her hands all over him as I whipped my head back.

Nah Nah Nah! I'm so bored. =.="

Selena's Point Of View

So I finally got Justin in my clutches. Well,that was fast. I met that Taylor girl like what,three days? And I got him.

Well,I did snap at Justin today and he knows my motives but he's a dumb kid. A really dumb one,that's why I got him,right?


"Selena,stop." he said sternly as I trailed my fingers down his spine. Man,he's such an idiot!

"What did I tell you just now? Oh,and I've got a wee bit more to tell you...

If you don't listen to me and do what I tell you to do,I will hurt her. Hurt her more than anybody else has ever did. And you know damn right who I am talking about.

Its Taylor. That girl I affectionally call 'Tayo'. Why? Cause it sounds like 'Mayo'.

Which is mayonnaise.

Which is carbs.

Which is disgusting to the max."

"I never thought you were like this." Justin said,almost disgusted at me. Well,like I actually cared-for now.

"Never...Say Never,right,Justin?" I back-talked him and squinted at him,gauging his expression and then laughing at it.

His face was red,probably with anger,and his knuckles were white from clutching them together.

I threw my head back and laughed. Well,this,is just the start.

Taylor's Point Of View! As I put another slice of pizza in my mouth,Scooter shook me and looked at me with a shicked expression.

"WELL TAYLOR,THAT WAS YOUR FIFTH SLICE!" He said and started jumping around,he took the box away and scooted over to the corner. (No Pun Intended.)

"DON'T TAKE MY PIZZA AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" I heard a voice scream from across the room,oh hey! It's Justin crawling at Ryan's feet,and Ryan holding up the pizza box.

High freaking Five!!!!!! :)

Well,at least I'm not alo-"HEY!" I yelled at Justin.

He bit a BIG bite into my last piece of pizza and we were practically wrestling each other for MY pizza. (Keyword:MY)

"JUSTIN! I got a slice." Selena's voice filled the room and Justin awkwardly trudged towards her. What's his deal?

As they shared that small wretched piece of pizza,I felt a pang of jealousy hit me.

Ugh,shizz. Just when you let him go,right?

At least he wasn't messing with my pizza!

What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now