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Justin's Point Of View~

So,Chinatown? Yeah well basically,Chinatown is beautiful. Pillars had intricate designs of dragons all over it,golden linings lined the pillars,giving it a look of superiority.

"Justin,stop looking at those toys! Those are for either display or for kids to play with!" Bernice called out to me. I put the toy down carefully,hmmm,the toy was pretty. The pillar,at least.

Joa was basically acting like my mum. With all the taking the phone away and stuff. Not a regular Belieber,after all... Hangin with girls are troublesome,we've been walking for three hours already and its now seven in the evening.

Em girls hadda go so me and Taylor decided to go back,too.

"Ah,what a day!" Taylor heaved..as though SHE was the one going through all the torture.

"Oh,really? You had a day? I got my phone confiscated! -from my Belieber!" I threw my hands in the air to show some DRAMA-RAMA.

"Haha,yeah. Anywhoo,Imma be***" I wasn't listening to her last part of her sentence. Sorry,I'm tired. Taylor went somewhere and I was 110% sure she went out for awhile. So,while she was at it,I better take a bath.

Weird,I thought. The bathroom did not have a lock. Like,in the bathroom there *See picture---»»*

I opened the door and Taylor screamed,my ears almost burst..I tell ya.




Taylor was in the bathtub,that was covered in foam at the top. I just walked in on Taylor!

I stood there,infront of her,eyes wide open and my mouth agape. Her eyes were as big as saucers and her hands flew everywhere,obviously trying to cover herself in as many ways possible,not that anything was actually shown.

"I...I...UH." I stuttered,shocked.

"OH GOSH,GET OUT!!!!!" She yelled,you could see a tint of red creep over her cheeks as I slowly retreated

out the bathroom.


Taylor's Point Of View~

He walked in on my bath,just like that. Now majorly embarrassed.

Gosh what just freaking happened?! AHHHHHHH!


I know,I know,its short. But hey,my mum is going about my Final Year Examinations and yeah =.="

BUT-OMGOMGOMGOMG HONOURS FOR THIS STORY! Fan Fiction #613 & Fantasy #I forgot! WHOA!



What can I do when the wrong feels right? [Bieber Love Story...]Where stories live. Discover now