Nothing's Wrong With John

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Chapter 2

A man knocks down the door and barges in. He is followed by another tall man, each with shotguns in their hands. Sherlock is still on the ground with John to make sure he's okay when one of the men ask him a question.

"You didn't happen to see any black smoke in here, did you?"

The man's voice was deep and authoritative . Sherlock observed the stranger. The clothes he wear and his cuts show he has been hunting something. And the bags under his eyes show he hasn't slept in days. The other, taller man, however, seems too concerned about the situation to notice the blood dripping from his left arm.

"Hey Dean. There's sulfur on the window."

The stranger cursed under his breath. "So did you see any smoke or not?" His voice became angrier.

Sherlock noted that these men are dangerous. I can't have them near John. What would they do to him? Sherlock stood up and walked over to the man. He glimpsed at John once more who made a reassuring smile back at Sherlock. "What's your names, then?"

"We don't have time for this! Answer the god damn question!"

"Dean, calm down." The tall man walked towards Sherlock. "My name is Sam and this is my brother Dean." He gestured towards the stranger. "Now this is very important." Sam continued. "Did any smoke enter this room?" His eyebrows were raised, expecting an answer.

"No. Now if you don't mind leaving our-" Dean slammed his gun on the table. Sam pulled him to the side of the room.

"Dean, we need to be careful. We don't want him smoking off like before."

"Sam! You know what's at risk here! That's Crowley who's hiding in him! For all we know he could be messing with us right now!"

Meanwhile, Sherlock helps John off the floor. He burrows his eyebrows and studies John. He looks the same. Messy, blonde hair from recently waking up, bluish grey eyes, everything seems fine.

"So John. Are you alright?"

"Yes of course! I feel marvelous. Although these men are making me feel uncomfortable...."

Sherlock walked towards the bickering brothers and interrupted their quarrel. "If you don't mind, we do have some work to be done here."

"Please mister. We believe your friend is in danger." Sam said.

"My name is Sherlock, and John seems perfectly fine to me." Sherlock led them to the door. Right before the door shut, Dean saw John smile, and his eyes turn a dark shade of black.

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