The Other Doctor

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The TARDIS reappeared at the church, only now it was mid morning.

"Doctor!" John yelled, running towards him. "Where have you been? You didn't come back all night, and we were getting worried, and... What is that?!" He glanced down at the gash along his side. Dean ran over to the injured Time Lord.

"Doctor!" Before anyone responded, Dean splashed holy water across the Doctor and Clara's faces. They stared at him in disbelief. "Sorry. Just making sure you weren't a demon."

"Come with me, Doctor. I've seen cuts like this before in battle. I can fix you right up." John smiled optimistically at the Doctor.

They all walked in and scattered around the church. Sam lay sleeping on a bench across from Castiel. Dean sat watching the two. John led the Doctor to a room in the far corner, right next to the room Sherlock was in. The green bag that Sam brought was seeping with medical supplies, weapons, water and snacks. John reached for a bottle and a bandage.

"This might hurt," warned John. The Doctor scrunched his face in pain as John rubbed an ointment on the wound. "That's odd."

"What?" The Doctor looked nervous.

"Nothing, there was just... Nah I shouldn't worry you any more. You seem stressed."

"Well," the Doctor shifted uncomfortably. "Do you remember Moriarty?" John dropped everything as turned ghastly pale.

"How could I forget," said John with hatred. "He framed Sherlock. It took years to convince the police Moriarty was behind everything! Even now people look at Sherlock like he's a type of disease." John sighed, realizing he was getting worked up. "But I guess it's okay now seeing as he's dead." John's vicious words hung in the air.

"What would you say if I said, that maybe, Moriarty was alive." John looked at the Doctor like he was insane.

"Moriarty is dead. They found his body and everything."

"They found Sherlock's body too, but he's still alive." John glared at the Doctor. He hastily put on the bandage then stormed off. The Doctor stared at his shoes as if they had all the answers on them. Them, his vision became blurry and the two shoes looked more like six. He shook his head and the dizziness went away. The Doctor burrowed his eyebrows and then left the room to join the others.

"Alright!" said the Doctor as he skipped into the room. "What's the plan?"

"Well," said Dean. "That machine is still out there. We have to destroy it. And we need to figure out a way to help Sherlock. He won't stop saying doctor please. Anything to say Doctor?"

"I've tried everything," said the Doctor. "There has to be a clue we're missing." The Doctor shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. "And another problem has arose." John glared at him from across the isle. "I believe that the murderer Moriarty has returned." Everyone mumbled in shock at this news.

"It can't be. He died! It was all over the news. He can't come back to life seeing as he's only human," said Jack.

"Unfortunately, he's not human. Moriarty is a demon, and-" the Doctor stopped talking and fell to the ground. Clara rushed over and helped him get up.

"Doctor? Are you okay?" said Clara. The Doctor nodded, even though all he heard was a buzzing sound.

"It's the cut," said John abruptly. "I saw a dark blue ooze on the wound. Either Time Lords bleed the color blue, or..."

"It's poison," said the Doctor as he collapsed onto a bench. "Definitely not human poison, something different. Otherwise I could just shake it off, but..." The room started spinning as the Doctor faded into unconsciousness.

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