Angels and Daleks

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Chapter 11

Sam awoke in a familiar dark room, only this time it was much colder. The walls were less rotted than the ones of the previous room he was locked in. Sam noticed that, again, he was tied to an ice cold metal chair. The sound of rain tapping on the roof was drowned out by a loud conversation that consists mostly of yelling going on across from him. As Sam's eyes became less blurry, he managed to make out two men arguing about something.

"I know you know where it is! Just tell me!" The man's voice was demanding and desperate.

"I took an oath never to reveal the location of the Ten Commandments, and I would rather die honorably then tell you." This man's voice was deep and smooth.

"Oh shut up. You sound like a broken record! 'I took an oath!'" He said mockingly. Sam now managed to see who the men were.

"Castiel?" Sam's deep voice echoed eerily throughout the room. John spun around to look at Sam.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty! How are you feeling? My little demon buddy told me the first two keys." Sam could barely take Crowley seriously now that he's inside of John. "Now, you wouldn't happen to know the last one?" John walked over to Sam who shook his head, too tired to talk.

"Honestly, I believe you. Luke, the demon who went inside of you, told me you didn't know. He also told me every last detail of your dream. Now, all you have to do is fall asleep, tell us your key, and you can be on your way." He made an impressive speech, but Sam just sat there in silence. Half because he knew it would cause the destruction of the world, and half because he was so exhausted. John sighed.

"You're just like your angel friend. Maybe you can talk to him about some friends of mine." He smirked and swaggered out of the room. Castiel sat across from Sam also tied to a chair.

"Cas? Are you okay?" Obviously he wasn't okay due to the cuts and bruises that cover his face.

"Sam. Whatever you do, do not fall asleep." His voice changed from strict to worried when he added, "Is Dean alright?" Sam looked into Castiel's deep, gray eyes. His chin was covered in stubble and his hair looked like he hadn't showered in days.

"Dean's fine. He's with Sherlock and Jack. They're fine too if you were-" Castiel cut off Sam.

"I'm glad Dean is safe. I'm sure he will rescue us." Sam let out a yawn from not having a good sleep in days. There were dark bags under his eyes and he could feel himself drifting off when a loud sound jolted him awake.

"The prisoners are in here?" The voice was a piercing noise that approached the room. John opened the door with a loud creak and let in some sort of machine. It seemed to glide on the ground and effortlessly entered the room. He was followed by a very familiar man. Sam recognized him as Nicholas Brown from his last abduction.

"This, Sammy, is a Dalek." John said with a smirk, although Sam could hear a hint of fear in his voice. "I know you won't consciously tell us your key, so this Dalek is going to watch your dream with you." The Dalek extended what looked like an arm and pressed it up to Sam's head. "Sleep tight Sammy." John ejected a serum into Sam's arm and he blacked out immediately.

Sam stood outside the doors to an abandoned warehouse. He unconsciously walked toward the door and pushed it open. The hallways he walked down smelled more of metal and mildew the further he went down the deserted corridor. There was some feeling that Sam couldn't quite shake off, as if something was watching him. He pushed open a set of doors and saw the familiar man holding a gun at him. The man's hand was trembling and his finger was ready at the trigger. Suddenly, something strange happened. The man's face became distorted and shifted into a beautiful woman's face. His hair grew longer and changed to a deep shade of brown. She seemed lost and confused when she looked down at the gun in her hand. She jumped and dropped it to the ground.

"Where am I? Who are you? What's going on?" Before Sam could answer, he was jolted back awake.

"Identifying human female. Clara Oswin Oswald." The Dalek's voice pierced like a knife into Sam's eardrums. He felt dizzy from the rude awakening and still was trying to comprehend what happened. The Dalek backed away from Sam and turned to John. "What about this prisoner?"

"He still has crucial information, and I promise I'll get it." John said nervously.

"The other prisoner will be exterminated!" Sam become fully awake when he heard this.

"Exterminated? Wh- what does that mean?" Sam struggled to say.

"You can't kill him, Crowley. You know Dean will be furious." Castiel protested.

"Kill me?!" John snapped his fingers and Sam stopped speaking.

"What did you do to him?" Castiel asked worriedly.

"I just took out his vocal cords." Castiel threw an angry look at him. "What? He was annoying me."

"If you kill him, there's no way I'm going to tell you the location of the Ten Commandments." This caught John's attention.

"So if I let Sam go, would you tell me?" Sam looked at Castiel with worried eyes. He shook his head vigorously, but Cas just ignored him.

"I think it is what Dean would want me to do." All of a sudden, a swooshing sound announced the arrival of a tall, blonde woman. Her hair fell flawlessly to her shoulders and she stood staring at Castiel.

"Explain? Explain?" Roared the Dalek.

"Castiel, I thought we agreed never to tell the Ten Commandments true location." Her voice was smooth yet strict. Castiel sank down in his chair and sat there on silence.

"And who might you be?" John asked, obviously annoyed by the interruption.

"Just a friend of Castiel's." She said while not taking her eyes of Cas. "If this human really matters to you, I'll get him out of here."

"What? You're not going anywhere with Sam! And how did you get in here? I angel proofed the whole place myself!" John at this point is fuming with anger.

"But you have to promise not to tell them." She scolded while ignoring John.

"Alright then." Castiel mumbled. The woman reached her hand and placed it on Sam's forehead. There was a flashing bright light, and the next second Sam was back in Sherlock's flat.

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