Nicholas Brown

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Chapter 6

The Impala pulled up to an abandoned warehouse, where Jack's phone tracker led Dean. He got out of the old car and walked to the back of the car. Dean pulled open the trunk and reached for his shotgun. He looked around to make sure no one was watching before closing the trunk and starting for the entrance. Little did he know there was a man watching Dean from the second story window.

"He's here." The man said to his walkie talkie.

"Let him come. The boss says he wants us to give him a message." Says a man on the other end of the device.

Dean cautiously walks through the empty hallways with his gun at the ready. His heart was racing as he reached the end of another hallway. This door was different, though. Instead of a rusty doorknob, this door had a locked handle. He kicked at the lock and barged into the room. Through the dim light, he saw Jack and Sherlock, still unconscious, tied to two metal chairs. He threw his gun to the ground and quickly untied them.

"Jack, Sherlock, wake up!" He jabbed his elbow into their sides which made them quickly awaken. They groaned as they blinked away any haziness in their eyes.

"Do you guys know where Sam is?" Dean's question was answered by the sound of two men entering the room. A blonde man stood in the doorframe holding a gun up to Sam's head. Dean made eye contact with Sam. It's okay Sammy. Your big bro is here for you. Dean wanted to reassure Sam, but instead he just stared into his brother's eyes apologetically.

"Hello, Dean." said the blonde man.

"What do you want?" Dean replied in disgust.

"Relax. My boss just wanted to give you a message. He said to leave Crowley alone. He is destined to kill all of humanity, and you aren't going to get in his way."

"And why the hell should I take instructions from your boss?" Dean was beginning to get angry.

"Well you aren't exactly in the position to make a bargain." He said gesturing to Sam.

"You wouldn't. We both know he's the only one who can tell you where the first key is." Dean said with a smirk. The man's smile faded as he lowered the gun. Sam took this opportunity to jam his elbow into the man's face. As he stumbled back in surprise, Dean ran over and knocked him to the ground unconscious.

"We need to go." Dean ordered. He untied Sam's wrists and led the others back to the Impala. Before anyone knew it, they were gone.

Back at Sherlock's flat, Dean tends to Sam's wounds while he talks about the man they saw at the warehouse.

"His name is Nicholas Brown. He says he works for some 'powerful beings', but he never told me who they were. Anyway, Jack, Sherlock and I have a key, or reoccurring object, in each of our dreams. They- ow!" Sam exclaims as Dean pours some alcohol on his cut.

"Oh man up." Dean replies. With a sigh, Sam continues.

"The key is something only one person can see in their dream. For example, maybe I see a tree that Sherlock can't see. That would be my key."

"And why does Nicholas need to know this?" Jack asks.

"Apparently if we put each of our keys together, it will make a weapon of mass destruction which Nicholas's boss really needs."

"But who is Nicholas's boss?" Dean asks.

"I don't know, but he would always get nervous when the boss called him."

"I'm getting some tea." Sherlock said as he abruptly stood up. He thought about everything. The abduction, the warehouse, the dream, but mostly, he thought about John. John left the house yesterday and never came back. Was he hurt? And what is he up too? Sherlock looked down at the locked cabinet as the tea brewed. A birthday present, or so John said. He got so angry thinking about John's new behavior that he kicked the lock as hard as he could. This got the others' attention.

"What are you doing, Sherlock?" Dean asked as he walked over with Sam. Sherlock ignored him as he reached down for the now open lock. He placed the plastic bag on the table and careful took out the content from inside.

"Um, Dean? Is that what I think it is?" Sherlock is holding a fragile piece of what looks like either wood or metal.

"It's a Fulgurite." Dean cursed under his breath.

"Whats a Fulgurite?" Jack asked.

"A Fulgurite is an object formed when lightning fuses the silica in sand together. And Crowley wants to use it to bind Death."

"Wait a second, who's Crowley? It was John who bought this." Sherlock protested. Sam and Dean exchanged worried glances.

"Sherlock, John is possessed by a demon named Crowley." Sherlock couldn't believe what he was hearing. In fact, he could barely hear anything over the sound of his heart beating in his ears. Sam and Dean decided to keep the Fulgurite locked up so Crowley wouldn't know they were here. Jack, Dean, and Sam thought it would be best to leave Sherlock alone for a while, so with that, they left him alone in his flat.

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