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Chapter 30

A long black limousine sped through the emptiness of the desert. The Doctor's vision was blurred as if he had just woken up. He looked to his left and saw Moriarty rambling on about something. His mouth moved, but no words seemed to be coming out. Everything was moving in slow motion. The Doctor turned to face the window or the car and saw vast nothingness whizzing by.

Then everything froze. A single woman stood in the distance. She had blonde hair and glowing gold eyes. The Doctor knew instantly who she was, but didn't believe what he saw. She outstretched her arm and motioned him to come towards her. The Doctor unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for the handle with shaking hands. His two hearts were pounding out of his chest. The Doctor walked slowly towards the woman until they were face to face.

"Rose," the Doctor's voice was raspy and nervous. "Is that really you?" The woman smiled. The Doctor pulled Rose closer and hugged her tight. "Rose Tyler. It feels good saying that name again." Rose felt the warmth radiating out of his body and his hearts pounding against hers.

"Doctor. You're very ill," Rose said, pulling away from the hug with a worried expression. "You look, damaged."

"You know me. I'll be fine." The Doctor said with a grin, although he knew deep down that death was creeping up on him.

"You look so different." Rose said. She leaned over and adjusted his bow tie.

"You like the tie?"

"I've always loved ties. Bow ties are cool." The Doctor looked sadly at Rose. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed her until then.

Rose threw herself at the Doctor and pushed her lips against his. A gust blew the desert sand in a whirlwind surrounding them.

"There's something I have to tell you." Rose said in a soft voice, pulling away from the kiss. She slid a strange piece of metal in the Doctor's coat pocket. He began to reach for it, but Rose grabbed his wrist. She went on her tippy toes and put her mouth up to the Doctor's ears to whisper something. "Don't blink."

The Doctor stumbled back with his mouth gaping open. Rose had transformed into a weeping angel. The Doctor turned on his heels and ran as far from the monster as possible.

The whirl of sand that seemed so magical before had become an impending tornado chasing the Doctor. He ran but felt as if he'd gone nowhere. A Dalek appeared in the distant yelling "Exterminate!" The Doctor turned searching desperately for a place to run. The sandstorm had become so bad that he couldn't see a thing. Shouts of former enemies were circling the Doctor and he fell to his knees. Then the sand stopped. A young girl with long, ginger hair stood looking down at him. She had a blank expression yet the Doctor could feel her eyes boring into him like lasers.

"Oh Doctor," the girl said. "There's no where to run."

"Amelia Pond," the Doctor whispered.

"It's time for you to go, raggedy man."

"Amelia," the Doctor's voice quivered and he couldn't say any more. Amy gently pressed her fingers against the Doctor's forehead and everything started to fade black. He heard past companions screaming his name.


He recognized the voice as Donna Noble's. The Doctor tried to call back, but it was like trying to talk in water.


Sarah Jane Smith's scream echoed in the Doctor's ears. He tried desperately to reassure her.

"Doctor?" This voice was different. It sounded more natural.

"Doctor?" The Doctor's eyes shot open and he gasped for air. Sweat laced his face and he was breathing heavily. "You dozed off, Doctor," said Moriarty. The Doctor looked around and saw the limo had pulled into a large, musky garage. He burrowed his eyebrows trying to understand what happened.

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