Rotten Meatloaf

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Chapter 14

"What happened?" Jack ran into the room and fell to the floor. He examined the scene to find any reason for the men to be unconscious.

"Oh my!" Mrs. Hudson dashed into the room and gasped at the men sprawled on the floor.

"What happened?" Jack repeated angrily.

"I- I don't know. They were talking, they ate some dinner, and then came in here." Jack took a deep breath and sighed. They both sat down around a table to wait for their friends to wake up.

"So did anyone enter the apartment since I left?" Jack said.

"No, nobody. Would you like some tea?" Mrs. Hudson replied.

"Yes, that would be great." Mrs. Hudson poured two cups of tea. Meanwhile, Jack looked over at Sherlock whose sleeve got pulled up in his fall. His antipossession tattoo was peeking out on his shoulder. Maybe I should have gotten one of those, thought Jack. What if a demon comes. The demon could try to hurt one of the others. Kind of like how the others became unconscious... Jack looked up at Mrs. Hudson. What did Dean say? Demons don't like salt? While Mrs. Hudson was fetching some sugar for the tea, Jack poured some salt into her tea cup. Okay, she's probably not possessed, thought Jack, but just in case I'll be able to know.

"Alright, how much sugar?" Asked Mrs. Hudson as she reentered the room.

"I don't want any, but thank you."

"Okay, more for me." She said with a smile. Jack stared intently at her waiting for a reaction. She took a sip from her cup, and nothing happened. Jack let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she screamed in pain and threw her cup to the ground. Her eyes flashed and turned black.

"What was that?!" Yelled Mrs. Hudson. Jack, still in shock from the black eyes, stood there gaping at her.

"What did you do?" Asked Jack after he found his voice.

"Just a little poison in their meatloaf. No one was suspecting innocent Mrs. Hudson." She said with a grin.

"Well why'd you do it?" Jack yelled.

"I needed to talk to you. Alone." She said while taking a seat on the couch.

"Will they be okay?" Jack's voice sounded soft and meek.

"They'll be fine. They should wake up in a few hours. Now, what I wanted to talk about," continued Mrs. Hudson. "is the TARDIS. I know it flew you to the beginning of time, so don't deny it." Jack stood there speechless. Mrs. Hudson took this as a sign to continue. "The Dalek you saw mentioned an institute. What was it called?" Her voice sounded gentle, but very affirmative.

"He didn't mention anything." Jack lied. He took a seat on the nearest chair. Mrs. Hudson stared into his eyes, but Jack turned away his gaze once he saw her black eyes. Mrs. Hudson groaned with aggravation.

"You're a nice guy, Jack. I don't want to have to hurt you." She stood up and sauntered over to Jack. She stood over him so close that Jack could feel her warm breath on his face. "What is the institution's name?" Mrs. Hudson repeated, only more vigorously. Jack sat there, refusing to speak. There were a few moments of silence before Jack spoke up.

"Why do you need to know?" He asked assertively.

"So many questions." Mrs. Hudson sighed. "Well, if you really must know. We need a member of the institute's blood. Not enough to kill the poor guy, but just enough to open a portal that will allow us the retrieve the weapon." Jack gulped. Blood? He thought with fright. No demon is getting any of my blood. Jack looked up at Mrs. Hudson who was still leaning over him expecting an answer. There's no way I'd hurt her. It may be a demon, but that's still Mrs. Hudson. I'll have to outrun her. Jack swiftly lodged his fist into Mrs. Hudson's face. Sorry! Jack thought. Taken by surprise, she stumbled back, giving Jack enough time to escape. He was running down the stairs when a small roaring sound came from behind him. Jack turned his head to see a cloud of black smoke come rushing at him. Agony filled inside of Jack as the demon entered his body and he fell limply to the ground.

"Jack, you sneaky boy. You can't outrun a demon. And by the way, you were right. You should have gotten an antipossession tattoo." Jack smirked as he sat on the stairs talking to himself. "So the institute is Torchwood." The demon let out a laugh. "And you just so happen to work there. Crowley will be very happy." Jack got up and swaggered out of the flat.

"Castiel. All you need to do is tell us where the Ten Commandments are." John's voice was sore from yelling. Castiel, still refusing to talk, sat on his chair in silence. John now fuming with anger, threw his empty cup at the wall behind him, nearly missing Clara's head. She shrieked when a glass shard scraped across her arm from the shattered glass. Her face was wet and splotchy from tears. Clara has been watching this stranger get tortured by this man, but can't help him. Her arms were tied to the back of a chair and she faced the man also strapped to a chair. His face was showing no emotion, although Clara could see pain in his eyes. So much has happened in the past few days, and how Clara got mixed up into it, she has no idea. But what worried her the most, was the Doctor. He said he would see her soon, but that was ages ago. Suddenly, there was a loud knocking on the door. Everyone froze and stared at the intruder. He pushed open the door, and John's eyes popped with delight.

"Jack! Fancy seeing you here!" John flashed a devilish smirk, which disappeared once the demon flashed his black eyes at him. "Oh. I thought he came on his own. Well, why did you bring him to me?! We already have his key!" John snapped at Jack.

"He went to the beginning of time, and I know the institute." Jack's voice stuttered when speaking to John.

"Well! I don't have all day!" He yelled while gesturing to continue.

"It's Torchwood. And Jack works there." This is what Crowley wanted to hear.

"Wonderful! Shall we fetch the machine?" John said with a smile.

"Of course sir."

"Good. Now we can finally begin Project Mortem, and the death of all mankind."

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