Jocelyn's Secret

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Chapter 20

There were shouts and music mixed in with the sound of everyday life. The bustling of all the people left no one to notice the blue box that just materialized.

"Okay, here's the plan. Jack, Clara and I will look for Mount Nebo. After we find a place to stay nearby we'll give you a call." The Doctor said.

"What about us?" Jocelyn said, eager for her mission.

"You guys need to look for Sam and John. They'll lead us to Sherlock."

"Who put you in charge?" Dean said bitterly.

"I'm older, Mr. Winchester. Now if you don't mind there's an apocalypse to stop." He didn't look older, Dean thought. His hair was a luscious brown and his face looked young and eager. But there was something about the eyes that gave him a sort of wiseness. Before Dean could argue, the Doctor was gone.

"Come on." Dean started walking down the crowded street mumbling to himself.

"So." Jocelyn said breaking the silence between them. "What do you want to do? We have a few hours, let's do something fun." Dean stopped to look at her. Jocelyn's eyes were sparkling with anticipation.

"We can't. We have to look for Sam." He continued walking. Jocelyn had to half run to catch up to him.

"Come on, please." Dean continued walking. After a few steps, however, her complaining ceased. "Jocelyn?" Her bright red hair was no where to be seen in the massive crowd. Dean pushed his way throughout the street searching for any sign of her.

"Extra! Extra! Hear all about it! A strange helicopter was sighted over a nearby church!" A young boy stood atop a pile of boxes trying to sell a local newspaper.

"It's great how the TARDIS translates what everyone's saying. I'd feel completely lost if I didn't understand anything." Clara said dreamily.

"Yeah, because I don't feel completely lost in the middle of a foreign, desert country." Jack mumbled. The Doctor just ignored them and fumbled with a crumpled up map.

"Alright, according to this we should be nearing the mountain in half a mile." He flipped and turned the map around then said with a frown, "Make that two miles." Jack grunted as they continued their trek onward.

"You're getting too close to him. Before you know it he'll know who you are!" Gabriel stood looking down on Jocelyn.

"No, I promise. Dean will never know, just let me go back." Jocelyn's voice trembled only slightly. Gabriel sighed and looked around. The grass was a luscious green and a few birds fluttered throughout the air. There were puffy white clouds perched in the blue sky.

"It's beautiful here. I don't understand why you want to go back there."

"You know why."

"And you know that if Dean, or anyone for that matter, finds out what I did I'll be in huge trouble!"

"Please." Jocelyn looked close to tears.

"Fine." Gabriel said with a sigh. "You humans never learn. Just remember, this is your last warning." Jocelyn's face lit up.

"Thank you!" Gabriel rolled his eyes and with a snap Jocelyn returned to the middle of Jordan.

Buzz. Dean reached for his phone.

Hello Dean! We just found Mount Nebo! And a lovely little hotel to stay in. Meet us here when you get the chance. Any luck finding John and Sam?

-The Doctor

Alright, I'll meet you there. Sam is no where to be found. Hopefully we'll do better tomorrow.


As Dean began down the street his phone buzzed again.

Hey, where are you? We must have gotten separated. Meet me in the center of town.

Dean almost dropped his phone when he read who sent it.

"No, it can't be." Dean's face drained of color as he ran straight to the center of town.

There she was. Standing innocently in the center of all the commotion. When she caught sight of Dean, Jocelyn smiled and waved eagerly at him. How couldn't I have seen it before? Dean thought.

"Hey Dean. Sorry about back there, must have wandered off. I actually do that quite-" Dean grabbed her wrist which stopped her rambling. "What's wrong? It looks like you saw a ghost?"

"That's because I did." Dean held the phone up so she could read it.

"That's the text I just sent you." Jocelyn looked closer and gasped when she saw the name at the bottom.

-Jo Harvelle

"Dean, I can explain." She looked close to tears as she met Dean's eyes.

"You, you died. I watched you-" Memories came rushing back to him. Jo sacrificing herself to stop the hellhounds from harming Sam and him...

"It was Gabriel. He need me to keep an eye on you, but-" Tears started streaming down her face. "Dean I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you because... Now, now I have to..." Dean pulled her closer and whispered reassurance to her.

"It's okay." He stroked the top of her messy orange hair. This made her cry even more.

"I don't want to go back, Dean." He leaned down and brushed a kiss on Jo's soft lips. She looked up in shock at Dean.

"I love you." Jocelyn looked almost happy for a moment. Dean choked back tears to make her feel better.

"Me too." Before she could respond, Jo disappeared, pulled back to heaven, leaving Dean alone once more.

After a very long walk, Dean finally made it to Mount Nebo.

"Dean! Over here." If I wasn't so upset, Dean thought, I'd laugh at how out of place the Doctor looked with his bright red bow tie and suspenders. Not to mention he must have found a fez. "Do you like my fez?" He admired his own hat. "Fezzes are cool."

"Where's Jocelyn?" Clara asked.

"She, had to go."

"Go where?"

"It doesn't matter." Jack could tell Dean didn't want to talk about this subject.

"We have a floor on the second floor. Let's go settle in." Jack led the others into the hotel. Dean looked around the lobby. It had a dirty brown carpet and ugly blue walls. There was a chandelier that hung in the center of the room with cobwebs and dust covering it.

"Lovely." Dean mumbled. They all squeezed into the elevator and slowly made their way up. What stood outside the doors when the elevator opened made everyone jump. Sherlock sneered at them with black eyes.

"Nice to see you all." He cooed. "Follow me."

"Why should we?" Dean said irritably. Sherlock sauntered over to the elevator.

"Do you know why Gabriel took Sam and John?" Dean stood there in silence. "So you would come quietly. Sam's your weakness, remember?"

"Why did he grab John too?" Sherlock burrowed his eyebrows, not completely sure himself. He walked up to Dean so they were mere inches apart.

"Just don't cause any trouble." He whispered with a hint of fear, and they all walked into the filthy hallway.

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