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Chapter 31

It was dark out. Very dark. Castiel jogged through the hallways and outside the church. The brisk air welcomed him into the night. He nervously switched from foot to foot awaiting his visitor. A swooping sound announced his arrival.

"Hello Castiel," said the man. His voice was smooth and had a thick British accent. He had sleek, black hair covering the majority of his forehead. One eye was showing and it was as black as the night sky. He wore a long, dark coat and an array of daggers hanging from his side. A chill filled the air while he stood there.

"Azrael," Cas muttered.

"What, not happy to see me?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled at Castiel.

"I didn't call you for a chat,"

"Then why did you?" His calm voice turned deadly serious.

"I need you to do me a favor."

"Me? Do you a favor? Are you mad?"

"You're the angel of death-"

"Archangel to be correct."

"Yes, and I need you to bring back someone from the dead." Azrael stared at Castiel, his face blank of expression. He burrowed his eyebrows as if trying to figure out if Castiel was being serious.


"Sam Winchester."

"Oh my father." Azrael threw his hands up in the air. "Not only do you want me to bring someone back from the dead, but a bloody Winchester?! You are absolutely mad Castiel."

"Please." They looked at each other, trying to figure the other one out. The air grew colder every second. Frost began to climb up the blades of grass.

"I'm going to get in so much trouble for this." Azrael tools deep breath and shut his eyes. "Fine."

"Thank you so much Azrael," a smile spread across Castiel's face.

"However I'll need you to do something for me in return."

"Yes, of course, anything," Castiel pleaded.

"As you know you can't simply bring a soul back. You must first kill another and balance out the universe blah blah blah. I'm sure you've heard it all before."

"Who do I have to kill?" Azrael squinted his eyes and stared at Castiel, trying to tell whether he was serious about this or not. The air was still getting steadily colder.

"Up to you," he said with a shrug. "Just know that you'll have to live with the guilt of ending their life to save Sam's." Cas gulped but knew what had to be done. "Then I think we have a deal." They shook hands and a rush of air flew between them. The next second Azrael and the cool air were gone. Castiel stood in the silence of a warm spring night.


Sherlock forced his eyes open. The light was shining through the stained glass announcing morning had come. He groaned and rubbed his back. Sleeping on a pew wasn't exactly the most comfortable experience. Sherlock rubbed his eyes and squinted at John. He was still asleep with his head facing Sherlock's. Despite how warm the church was, John was shivering. Sherlock reached over and grabbed his trench coat that hung on the pew in front of them. He carefully draped the coat on top of John. Sherlock smiled at how cute he looked. Almost like a small, innocently curled up hedgehog.

"Hey Sherlock," Jack whispered just loudly enough so John wouldn't wake up. Jack motioned for Sherlock to come towards him. Sherlock weaved through the pews and people sleeping so not to ruin anyone's sleep. "Castiel got some fresh fruits and eggs, and I found a kitchen in the basement. We can make some attempt of a breakfast if you're up for it." He flashed an attractive smile at the detective. Sherlock nodded, ignoring Jack, and followed him.

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