Castiel's Message

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Chapter 8

Come at once if convenient.

If inconvenient, come anyway.


"How'd he get my number?" Sam said.

"Come on, it could be important." Dean grabbed his keys and started for the car with Sam and Jack when then heard a sound from behind them. Dean whipped his head around to see the man.

"Cas? What are you doing here?"

"Dean. You have to listen to me. Something awful is going to happen soon." Castiel's voice was nervous and shaky. Dean lowered his eyebrows in confusion.

"Cas, tell us what's wrong." But before Castiel could begin to explain the situation, he disappeared. Dean exchanged worried glances with Sam.

"Come on. We have to focus." Sam encouraged Dean to move on, but could tell he was now tense and worried. They got into the car and drove to 221b Baker Street. Jack grabbed the knocker and rapped it against the door three times. An old lady came to the door.

"Why hello, boys." She said with a smile. "Come in! Sherlock's upstairs." They awkwardly walked into the apartment and up the stairs.

"Sherlock?" Sam's voice echoed throughout the room. They all saw Sherlock sitting on a sofa staring at the ceiling.

"Come in." He mumbled.

"So why'd you have us come?" Dean asked with a sigh.

"Yes." Sherlock said blandly.

"Yes what?" Dean replied.

"I'll help you find John, er- Crowley. Just one thing; don't hurt him." Dean saw Sam mouth the word 'couple' to him but just ignored it and continued to talk to Sherlock.

"Of course. We'll try our best, but-" Sherlock slammed his hand on a nearby table causing Jack to jump.

"Not try, but you will. John should never have been a part of any of this. It's my fault there's a demon in him, and I will make sure nothing else happens to him. Do you understand?" Dean stood there in shock, speechless. He tried to think of a good response when he heard a fluttering sound followed by a crashing noise. They all ran to the kitchen and saw a man in a trench coat laying on the floor.

"Dean," His voice lacked its usual smoothness, but instead sounded raspy and rough. "They're coming. You need to call-" Castiel coughed violently before he could finish.

"Cas, you need to calm down. What's happened to you?" But again, Castiel disappeared. Sherlock jumped back in surprise.

"How did he do that? He just, disappeared!" Dean bowed his head and thought. What's going on with Cas? And who's coming? What was he trying to say?!

"Dean? Dean!" Sam snapped his fingers in front of Dean. He blinked his eyes open.

"Hm? What happened?" Dean's voice staggered.

"You just kind of, passed out." Dean shut his eyes again and felt a headache forming.

"So what now?" Said Jack. Just as he said this, Mrs. Hudson walked in with a steaming pie in her hands.

"You boys looked so worried and busy, I thought you could go for some pie." This woke Dean up. He got up and casually walked towards the table.

"Now be careful dear, it's hot." Dean didn't care. He grabbed a fork and cut a large slice for himself. Sam rolled his eyes.

"How can you eat at a time like this?" Sam scolded.

"What?" Dean mumbled through a mouthful of pie.

"So where do you think he might be? Crowley, I mean." Sherlock asked.

"Anywhere really. Did you notice anything strange about him when you last saw him?" Everything was strange about him, Sherlock thought.

"There was mud splatter on the back of his pant legs, so he must have been somewhere muddy. It hasn't rained in London for a few days, so he must have left the city. His knuckles were scratched and red, obviously from punching." He gulped. I hope John's alright. "So it's probably an abandoned place where he can hold prisoners. And he had more dirt on his knees. Plus, he smelt of grass. So he should be on a farm somewhere on the outskirts of London."

"Wow." Said Sam. "That was amazing." A tear formed in Sherlock's eye. That's what John would always say. He blinked away the tear.

"Thank you, I guess." Sherlock replied as he ran to his laptop. He searched for any nearby farms. Meanwhile, Dean has gone for a second slice of pie.

"Seriously Dean?" Suddenly Castiel appeared for a third and final time. This time, he chose his words more carefully.

"Dean, call- Doctor," Dean ran over to help him. There was even more blood on him than last time.

"Since when do you need a doctor?" Castiel cleared his voice and right before he left, he managed to whisper,


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