A Dreadful Reunion

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Chapter 16

The pain was immense. First there was a burning sensation on his arm as the antipossession tattoo disappeared. Then there was a sudden rush of adrenaline and cruelty. How could John have handled this? Sherlock's mind was racing as Crowley entered him. Then he heard someone speaking.

"Sherlock. Oh god, Sherlock! What have you done?!" It was John leaning over him with panicked eyes. Despite the situation, it felt great to see John back to normal.

"Get him off of me." Sherlock heard his voice say even though he had no intention of saying that. Sherlock's body moved without him consciously deciding to. It felt strange having no control of your own body. Jack pulled John back while Sherlock smirked at him with black eyes.

"Sherlock!" John yelled. "Snap out of it!"

"Actually, if Sherlock does send me smoking out, I'll just got straight back into you. You don't want that Sherlock, do you?" Sherlock thought about this. There's no way I'm going to let John get hurt any more than he already has.

That's what I thought Crowley thought back to Sherlock.

"But Sherlock,-" John began protesting but was interrupted by the doors slamming open. A Dalek stood menacingly in the doorframe.

"The stranger has been identified as the Doctor. Species seems to be Gallifreyan, although that is impossible. The Time Lords were exterminated!" Sherlock noticed the woman with brown hair who has sat up to listen to the alien. Her splotchy face and puffy eyes determine she was crying.

"Where is he? Where's the Doctor?!" She managed to say with a scratchy, distorted voice. That's when a second Dalek emerged through the door along with the Doctor. He immediately fell to his knees and took in a sharp breath in an attempt to stay conscious.

"What did you do to him?" Clara roared, suddenly finding her voice. There were cuts and bruises covering his arms and face, much resembling Castiel. They all stood there in silence. If a Dalek could smile, Sherlock thought, I'm sure it would be grinning right now.

"He must be exterminated." The Dalek said suddenly. Another uproar from Clara.

"What? No! You can't to that!"

"Silence." Sherlock boomed. He shot her a dark look that kept her from making any other exclamations. "But I'm going to have to agree with the girl. He might have more information for us in the future. Until then, he can stay here with the others. We have more pressing matters to get to." And with that, Sherlock and the Daleks exited the room and locked the door on their way out. Clara immediately rushed to the Doctor whispering words of assurance. Sam and Dean worked on untying the knots that bound them to the chairs. Castiel sat with his eyes closed mumbling something to no one in particular. John sat in silence and shock.

"Sherlock's gone. I can't believe I let him go. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault, John." Sam reassured him.

"No, it is. It's terrible being possessed, and now Sherlock has to suffer because of me." Sam who has now released himself from the chair along with Dean, walked over to John.

"It's okay. You've been through a lot." He looked into John's eyes and tried to calm him down.

"Do you mind being quieter." Castiel mumbled. Dean let out a short, resentful laugh.

"Do you mind? This guy just lost his best friend."

"You know I have good intentions." Castiel protested without raising his voice.

"Cas, you need to listen-"

"No Dean, you listen!" Castiel's eyes burst open like flames. "I have been tortured for the past few weeks and haven't told them a thing. I've done everything to protect you. Even now I'm summoning someone to help us, to help you! I went to hell and back just to save you. I've been there every time you have ever needed me." A tear gathered in Castiel's eye, but he blinked it away. "You think John has it rough because he lost a friend? Well guess what, I have too." Dean stood there in shock. Even Clara looked up to see the tension between the men. Luckily, a fluttering sound broke the awkwardness. The beautiful, blonde angel stood with a hand on her hip in the center of the room.

"Hello there. You called?" She spoke to Castiel as if no one else was in the room.

"Hey, it's you! You saved me last time! Who are you?" Sam questioned eagerly.

"We need help getting out of here." Castiel responded, ignoring Sam's comment.

"I said, who are you?" Sam said more viciously. The woman exchanged glance with Castiel.

"Why not." Said Castiel reluctantly.

"I'm an old friend of yours. True it's a different vessel, but still me."

"Cut to the chase." Sam cut in.

"My name is Gabriel."

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