Heart of the TARDIS

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Chapter 23
The Doctor stood in the TARDIS talking to Sam.
"Yes Sam, I'm sure Daleks aren't demons."
"Are you sure? They don't smell like rotten eggs, or make the lights flicker, or..." The doors of the TARDIS swung open and Dean rushed inside carrying Castiel.
"Dean, what happened?" Sam rushed over to them.
"He," Dean felt a lump in his throat and tried to hold back tears. The Doctor leaned over Castiel.
"He regenerated." The Doctor said grimly. His eyes filled with empathy. "Luckily the worst part is over. However, he'll need a few days to recover." As he spoke, a wisp of gold blew out of Castiel's mouth.
A screeching alarm interrupted the Doctor. The TARDIS began making the familiar sound that announced it began flying.
"Doctor? What's happening?" John abruptly came out of a corridor looking quite startled.
"No no no no! You stop that right now!" The Doctor yelled at the TARDIS. He rapidly flipped switches and pulled levers, but nothing was working.
"What is it?"
"She's flying somewhere and I can't stop her!" The sounds all stopped.
"Doctor, where are we?" Everyone looked at him nervously.
"Let's find out." He cautiously walked to the door and glanced back. "Dean, watch Castiel."
Dean didn't argue. The others followed the Doctor.
The Doctor pushed open the doors and froze. Sherlock stood with two Daleks and two other men behind him. He pointed a gun at the Doctor.
"Hello," Sherlock said with a smirk. The Doctor snapped and the TARDIS doors slammed shut, locking everyone inside. Muffled shouts of protest were coming from inside.
"What do you want?" The Doctor said with narrowed eyes.
"Nothing. It's the TARDIS we need." The Doctor's face drained of color.
"But how did you..." He glanced at the two men behind Sherlock. A man stood happily next to an injured Ezekiel.
"That's right Doctor. Castiel isn't the only angel who knows how to destroy the world. It took some work, but Ezekiel told us everything. We know the TARDIS' energy is what's needed to power our machine, and if we need it, we'll get it." The Doctor didn't move.
"You know very well that no one can enter the TARDIS without the key. It's held out enemies for thousands of years and I believe it will hold you out too." Sherlock got closer to the Doctor.
"Then let us in," he whispered angrily. The Doctor smiled and shrugged.
"Don't have the key." Sherlock screamed in aggravation.
"I can't take this. We should go out and help him." Sam said pacing the room.
"We can't, the doors are locked," Jack said with an ear pressed to the door. "Plus I think Sherlock is trying to get in and by opening the door..."
"It's not Sherlock, it's Crowley!" John yelled angrily.
"Shut up guys, you're going to wake us Cas!" Dean said without taking his eyes off Castiel.
"Everyone calm down!" Clara yelled. Everyone looked at her in shock. She blushed and said, "We need a plan."
"I have a plan," Dean mumbled. "But your not going to like it."
"Please, anything." Clara looked at him expectantly. Dean pulled out a knife from his coat pocket.
"This knife can kill any demon, including Crowley. However," he looked at John sadly. "It also kills the vessel." There was a moment of silence. "So in order to kill Crowley,"
"We have to kill Sherlock." John held back tears. "There has to be another way. Maybe we can exorcise him! That's what you guys do right? Send demons back to hell." He looked at Sam hopefully.
"He would only come back. We can't risk losing him either," Sam said grimly.
"But," John didn't hold in the tears this time. He fell to the ground with tears rushing down his face. Sam walked over to John and placed his hand on his back.
"No! Don't John me. Sherlock Holmes is my best friend. You can't kill him. I won't let you!" He pushed Sam away.
"What would Sherlock want?" Sam's voice remained calm.
"What would you do is that was your brother out there? Would you kill Dean just to kill Crowley?" John looked up at him with red blotchy eyes.
"I," Sam looked at his brother who lay next to Castiel. "I'm sorry John." He turned and sat on the steps.
"So that's it? We're all going to just sit here?" Clara reached into her pocket and pulled out a key. "I say we let them in."
"What?" Everyone said simultaneous. Clara blinked and her eyes turned black.
"She's a demon!" Sam got up and ran towards her, but she pushed him back against the wall with an invisible force.
"Silly Winchesters. Can't notice a demon even if they're standing right next to you!" She sauntered over to the door while everyone struggled against the force holding them in place. Clara turned the key and pulled the door open.
"Finally!" Sherlock said. "It took you long enough." The Doctor looked at her in shock,
"Clara what are you-" he saw her black eyes and stopped. "Get out of her right now." Clara outstretched her arm and the Doctor was sent flying across the room.
"Wonderful job." Sherlock swaggered into the TARDIS. Everyone stared at him with hatred except for John.
"Sherlock!" He squealed. Sherlock shot him a look of disgust and then continued on his way to the center of the control room.
"What are you doing?" Jack said with outrage. Sherlock ignored him and began opening a panel on the ground. "You're not seriously going to open that?" Color drained from Jack's face.
"And why wouldn't I?" Sherlock said without taking his eyes off the floorboard.
"Because the last person who looked into the heart of the TARDIS," his voice faltered as memories of Rose came back. "Let's just say it changes you."
"Well unfortunately the weapon can only be used if the person using it has looked into the Time Vortex." Sherlock pulled at the panel and it came flying off. Everyone shielded their eyes, but Sherlock stared into it intently.
"Sherlock stop!" Sherlock snarled and slammed the board back in place. His eyes were glowing gold and a beaming gold glow emanated from all around him. He stared at John. "Sherlock listen, are you alright?" Sherlock took in a sharp breath and his smug face disappeared.
"I looked into the Time Vortex," a tear fell from Sherlock's eye. "And the Time Vortex looked into me."
"Sherlock, with that much energy running through you you're going to burn!" Jack yelled but Sherlock didn't seem to be listening.
"John," Sherlock fell to the ground next to his friend. "It hurts." Tears were streaming down his face.
"Just let go." John looked sadly at Sherlock. "Wait, you called me John. Sherlock is that you?"
"Yes, the energy is holding Crowley back but,"
"That's great! You can push him out and everything will be okay!" Sherlock looked at John solemnly.
"Crowley is also what's keeping me alive."

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