An Old Friend

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Chapter 15

John looked at Sherlock. Not Crowley, but John. Sherlock sat limply tied to the chair. The sun streaming in through the window made his hair glimmer and illuminate his facial features. John tried to treasure the moment of seeing his friend again after so long, but Crowley's mind had other ideas. John knew all of Crowley's secrets and every idea he has, and what he was about to do was absolutely terrifying to John.

Sherlock's eyes fluttered open and examined the room. Out the window there's moonlight so it must be night. There's raindrops on the window indicating it had rained recently. It hasn't rained in London for days so we must be outside of the city. There were three men tied to chairs whom he recognized instantly. Dean, Sam, and the angel Castiel that Dean spoke of earlier who delivered the warning of the Daleks. There was also a woman who wasn't familiar. She had long, brown hair and sat on the ground rolled up into a ball. She was either sleeping or crying. Sherlock's thoughts were abruptly stopped when he saw the two men standing in the center of the room. Jack and John stood smirking at him. Their eyes were the unnerving black color that Sherlock despised so much.

"John." Sherlock mumbled. He shot John a worried look which was returned with a cold, dark stare. Sherlock wanted to run up to him and tell him everything. Tell him sorry for causing him this pain, and there was something else. Something important that he had to tell John. Instead, he sat gaping up at the men in silence.

"Sorry, John's not home right now." John flashed an unsettling grin at Sherlock. But of course that wasn't necessarily true. John could hear and see everything that was happening. He tried to cry out to his friend, but it was no use. Crowley used this to his advantage. All I need to do, Crowley thought, is get Sherlock convinced he needs to be my vessel. With his massive intellect, I'm sure he would be able to send even the strongest of demons smoking out of him.

Sherlock would never do that, thought John.

Oh really? I see the way he looks at you. It'll be simple, just you wait.

"Well." Sherlock interrupted the bickering mens' thoughts. "Is there a reason we're all here?"

"Not all of you have a reason to be here." John's cold stare continued boring into Sherlock's equally intense glare. "You, however, do have a reason."

I know what he's doing, Sherlock thought. There's no way he can convince me to willingly let him in.

"It's okay to be scared, Sherlock. I sure know how scared John was. When he felt the cold rush of a demon entering him. Poor John was absolutely terrified."

Here it comes. He's trying to make me feel guilty, thought Sherlock. The worse part was, it was working, and Crowley could tell. "I know exactly what he thought. That helpless, lonely feeling of being possessed. There was only one thing he could think of. You, Sherlock. The way you looked at him like he was a complete stranger." Sherlock sat frozen in his seat. Out of fear or will power, he couldn't tell, but John had enough of this. His eyes flickered back to its normal color and he stumbled to the ground gasping for breath.

"Sherlock." John managed to choke out.

"John." Sherlock looked longingly at his friend. "I- I," He sat there speechless. Luckily, John knew exactly what to say.

"Sherlock, don't let him in." He let out a painful cry trying to hold Crowley back, but he wouldn't let this opportunity slip out of his hands. "I know what Crowley has planned, and it's absolutely horrid!" Another sharp gasp for air. I can't take any more of this, thought Sherlock while he sat helplessly watching his friend suffer. "You're strong Sherlock. And smart, and I know you can hold him back. There's something else though, something important. I-" John's eyes turned black again and he regained his balance with a laugh. "Whoops. I guess we won't know what he was going to say." Sherlock pulled uselessly at the ropes that bound him to the chair. The rope dug into his wrists as he absorbed what John just said. Sherlock looked up at John with pure hatred and longing to be with his blogger again. He ceased the futile struggling and sat defeated in the chair. John sauntered up to Sherlock and knelt down so they were face to face. His face so close to Sherlock's that he could feel his warm breath.

"I know what he was going to say." John whispered to Sherlock. "You're so smart, yet so oblivious to John. How can you not see?" Sherlock had no idea what he was talking about which amused Crowley.

"See what?" Sherlock whispered in return.

"He loves you." Sherlock's heart skipped a beat. Everything seemed blurry and his mind started the race. How could I not have noticed? The dilated pupils, the pulse, it all makes sense! But Sherlock still felt something. A yearning desire to stroke John's delicate hair. To feel his heart pumping. To tell him one important thing.

"So, Sherlock. You know what I'm going to have to do." John's voice made Sherlock snap back to reality.

"Yes, I do." He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. Be strong Sherlock, for John, he thought while trying to encourage himself to be brave.

"No. You can't." It was Sam's voice that caught everyone off guard. "Sherlock, you know perfectly well that by doing this everyone will die!"

"Yes." Sherlock muttered while blinking his eyes open.

"Doesn't the entire human race matter to you?" Sam sounded desperate.

"No, there's something else. Someone else. I didn't know how to say it until now, but it's John that matters to me. It always has been. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special." A tear rolled down his face as he continued his speech. "I need to do this for John. Because I-" Suddenly black smoke rushed out of John's mouth and made it's way into Sherlock's. In that moment, the two men looked at each other with burning passion. They both wanted to say it. To say three simple words, but it was too late. Crowley was now safe inside Sherlock, and that's the way he wanted it to be.

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