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Chapter 5

A sharp blade cuts across his arm as Sam let's out a muffled scream. His arms are tied to the arms of a chair and a piece of cloth is stuffed in his mouth. The room is dark with only a few dim lights hanging from the ceiling.

"Now Sam, I know you know. So tell me where the key is and I'll let you go." The man pulled the cloth from Sam's mouth. Sam takes a few sharp breaths before responding.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" His eyebrows are raised innocently. "I don't know where the key is." The man ties the cloth back in Sam's mouth and lets out a sigh.

"Well I hope for your sake you figure out where it is." And with that, the man stormed off into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Dean is standing outside a cafe nervously tapping his foot.

"Finally! Where have you been?" Dean asks as Jack exits the cafe with two coffees in his hands.

"There was a line, now where was the last place you saw Sam?" Jack takes a sip of his steaming coffee.

"He was in the motel room, and I already checked; they didn't leave a trace." Jack nearly chokes on his drink.

"What, too hot for you?" Dean mocks.

"YOU THERE! HEY YOU!" Jack runs after a tall man with a long black trench coat. Dean chases after him. The man turns around and Dean exclaims, "Sherlock? What are you doing here?" Before he could answer, Jack pulled Sherlock by his blue scarf and dragged him into the nearest store. Ugh, must be another fan, thought Sherlock. That was until he saw Jack's face.

"It's you! You're the man from my dreams!" Jack exclaimed. "Sorry for the inconvenience, but someone is coming for you and me. They've already gotten the first man from our dreams, so I suggest we be careful." Sherlock stood there with his jaw dropped. How can this man be here? Does he have the same dream as me? Dean took this moment of silence as an opportunity to introduce them to each other.

"Jack, this is Sherlock. Sherlock, Jack. Now can we please keep looking for Sam?" Dean was silenced as a man from the store delivered a hard blow to his head, knocking him out. Another two men came up behind Sherlock and Jack to knock them unconscious as well, leaving the store in complete, eery silence.

As Dean awoke, he felt his left temple throbbing from the assault. With a groan of pain, he managed to stand up and look around.

"Jack? Sherlock?" There was no answer. "Damn it." Dean mumbled. Then he realized, if Sherlock isn't at his flat, that means John is alone. I can get Crowley right now, but what about the others? He sighed. It would be unwise to go after Crowley alone, especially with all the demons protecting the place. Dean reached over to pick up his cell phone which must have fell out of his pocket when he passed out. Wait a second, Dean thought. Jack had his cell phone when they took him. I can track his phone which will lead me right to him! And sure enough, after a few phone calls, Dean knew the exact location of Jack and the others. He jumped into the Impala and pressed his foot to the gas pedal. With determination he said, "Sammy, here I come."

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