Thanks For the Memories

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Chapter 32

"And may I ask, who are you," Moriarty said with narrowed eyes.

"River Song. Haven't heard of me?"

"I'm afraid I can't say I have."

"She's my wife," the Doctor said.

"Really," River asked with a smirk.

"Spoilers." The Doctor gave her a wink.

"Alright love birds, enough flirting. How did you get in here?" Moriarty was obviously getting annoyed.

"Vortex Manipulator." River held up her wrist, showing a leather strip wrapped around her forearm. "Takes me any place I want to go." She smiled at Moriarty's jealousy. "This is fun and all, but I'm going to have to excuse myself and my husband."

"You're enjoying this far too much," the Doctor murmured under his breath.

"I apologize, but the Doctor is staying here with me," Moriarty said assertively.

"Oh my," River whispered. She raised one eyebrow and strutted towards Moriarty. "I do love an aggressive man." She combed her fingers through his jet black hair. Moriarty let out a short, uncomfortable laugh. River inched her face closer to his and gently brushed a kiss on his lips. Moriarty instantly turned limp and his eyes fluttered, struggling to stay open. River caught the demon before he fell to the floor. "Hallucinogenic lipstick. Works every time."

"Why are you here? How did you know where to find me?"

"Let's just say a certain someone told me." River walked over to the Doctor and whispered, "Spoilers."

"We need to find Moriarty's machine before he wakes up."

"Oh Doctor, I do love you in handcuffs."

"River. We have to focus." She grabbed a bobby pin out of her curly hair and began picking the lock. "Alright so I walked down the hallway to the left and didn't see anything, so we should start looking down the right hall." River noticed a bruise on the Doctor's wrist. She stopped her lock picking and rolled up his sleeve.

"Doctor," she said with a small gasp. His forearm was purple and blue with bruises. She squinted through the dim light and noticed more bruises and scratches on the side of his neck. "Sweetie, what happened to you?" River made sure to keep her voice low.

"It's nothing. C'mon we have to hurry." River now saw how tired and pale the Doctor's face looked. She gave him one last worried look and finished getting the handcuffs unlocked. The Doctor rubbed his red wrists and stood up. "Let's go."

River peered under the door and saw two pairs of feet, presumably guards, standing outside the door. She pulled out a gun and started for the handle.

"River," the Doctor whispered. "You can't just kill them! First of all they're demons. Second, that's morally wrong and-"

"Slow down there honey. They're tranquilizers." River looked longingly at the Doctor and straightened his bow tie. "Here we go." She shoved the doors open, taking the demons by surprise. River aimed the gun at the first guard and shot him on his right shoulder. He fell limply to the ground. The second tripped over the body and River shot him in the chest. "All clear. They should be asleep for a few hours." The Doctor walked out of the room and squinted when he saw the lights hanging from the ceiling. He took a few steps then grabbed the wall for support. The hall started spinning and the Doctor fell against the wall. "Doctor!"

"I'm fine."

"No you're obviously not." River examined the Doctor. She pressed her hand against his forehead and checked his throat. "You're dangerously dehydrated. Stay here, I'm going to find some water." Before he could argue, River darted down the hallway.

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